Jaxattax86's picture
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+ 1 Protein/supplements


Hey everyone. I was wondering what your go to brands are for protein powders and supplements. I’ve always liked ON Nutrition for protein powders, thought they tasted better than other ones I tried.

I just ordered ONs pre workout & creatine to try also. I have p5p coming, and got regular adult daily vitamins & fiber to help with blood sugar, cholesterol, and a side effect I rather not say lmao from another medication I’m on.

Any other recommendations on better brands? Other supplements I can be taken for liver health or overall health? I’ve heard people take numerous other things, so I’m sure there are probably a few things I could add to this.

Thanks for any help

Rosschestzip's picture

Anyone every heard of Russian bear 5000 lol. I never tried it but remember seeing it at an old supplement shop when I was a teenager lmao

Jaxattax86's picture

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it. Was there something special in it at the time?

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Rosschestzip's picture

Idk I never used it. I just thought it was silly when I was a kid seeing it around. I think it was a 5000 calorie mass gainer.

Edit: I just looked it up. It was 660 calories per serving. It was just like a mass gainer for people who wanted to look like a big hairy Russian bear man lol

DeeMan's picture

Yea they had the tablets too. Damn back in the day.

Drexyl's picture

I’ll take heat for this but I’m an honest guy. I get the big difference food sized bags of muscle milk on Amazon. Tastes good, does the job. It’s shitty, but works for me and my guts.

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DeeMan's picture

Nobody should give you heat for that at all. Hey man you find the most economical way to get that good quality protein. Shitty or not.

Drexyl's picture

I’ll tell ya, it tastes good, mixes well, and the price for the big bag is pretty good. I’d rather spend my money on food and drugs. And ammo lol

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Jaxattax86's picture

Not knocking you at all. If it works for you, you’re lucky because that brand is generally cheaper. I personally love the taste of the premade drinks, but didn’t really care for the powder. I also like the dairy based whey shakes with actual milk a lot more than with water, but it’s not really possible to always bring milk to the gym lmao once it gets warm, it’s just as bad if not worse, as with water. I’m liking the idea of clear whey, for me personally I think it’d be easier to get down. I’m low key kind of jealous that it works for you, honestly lol. I find it hard to chug shit down, esp if my stomach is already full from water or something, when it tastes like shit, so I have to spend extra on other brands because I’m a bitch. Lol

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NYButwhy's picture


Zalewski's picture

Intek Evolution Protein

Pandamic Preworkout

Animal Pak Multi

Psyllium Husk (digestion)
Fish Oil (cardiovascular)
NAC (liver)
Astragalus root (kidney)
Berberine (blood sugar)
Melatonin (sleep)
BCAA/EAA: whatever I happen to be liking currently, usually All Day You May or Intra Blast
Gatorade powder during training

Jaxattax86's picture

Thank you for this.

Right now I have ON whey, their pre workout amino energy, and creatine. I have enough for like a month, but I def wanna switch it up to try some other stuff.

I have psyllium husk in the Metamucil. Besides that, just vitamins. I’ll def be looking at everything everyone has recommended.

Thanks for taking the time to link me all that stuff. It’s appreciated.


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SeeOhShow's picture

I take orange triad since it’s multi vitamin/joint/digestive all in one. I have old man knees in my 30s from all the jumping/dunking on concrete basketball courts. Those joint complexes seem to help me some. Citrus bergamot is linked in some studies to reduce LDL and possibly increase HDL. Good quality fish oil that’s high in EPA/DHA not just grams of “fish oil” without those essential parts. Pygeum can help prostate health. I’ve done bloodwork using/not using pygeum with DHTs and it did lower PSA. There’s a good liver defense pill by Clean Nutraceuticals you can get off amazon that’s way cheaper than the one always promoted on forums. P5P can help with prolactin if running 19-nors.
Sugar free Metamucil. I drink that every day. Helps blood sugar spikes especially if you’re slamming carbs on a bulk. Plus being regular is great. I’m semi-ocd and have a very set schedule I like to follow every day for cardio/lifting. I can promise nothing is worse than your bowel movement hitting right in the middle of heavy squats.
Berberine has been shown to lower blood sugar and A1c. You can always pop one of those 500mg pills before a heavy carb meal.

Everyone below has gone plenty in depth on protein powder choice. Figured I’d chime in on the other ancillaries.

Jaxattax86's picture

This was awesome. Thank you. This is the other half of the post I was looking for.

Do you know what that liver defense pill is called by clean nutraceuticals?

I have p5p coming for when I do run any 19nors. I also just picked up meta mucil (I got the pills though) because I need the fiber…one of the medications I’m on well, backs me up quite a bit. The only way I’m any sort of “regular” is if I take fiber. Also noticed it helps with blood sugar and cholesterol, so that’s a bonus. Regular adult vitamins.

I saved what you recommended and will definitely be adding things that can help me and checking everything out you recommended.

I still have a bit of time till running a cycle of more than just test, so some things may not be needed right now, but I’d like to have it ready to go when the time comes, and start taking the regular ones.

Thanks again for your advice. Yours and everyone else advice is really appreciated. If you (or anyone else) has any other recommendations, lemme know Smile


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SeeOhShow's picture

“Liver Defend” I have used it while running Tbol/Dbol/Var/Winstrol. ALT or AST has never been above 60 mid cycle using those orals (I don’t drink alcohol though). FYI, var is primarily metabolized through the kidneys. People say it’s “safe” because it doesn’t impact the liver and their liver values don’t increase much on it. Well the liver can regenerate from some pretty gnarly stuff. Kidneys not so much. No one wants to be on dialysis for the rest of their life. So be mindful of that if running var.

Jaxattax86's picture

I don’t drink alcohol either. I’ve never been a drinker. I’ve done other shit and have been sober for almost a decade now, my problem was with drugs though. That’s an old life though and one I no longer want anything to do with.

Thanks for the advice on var. Is there anything natural for kidneys or does the Liver Defend also end up helping with the kidneys too? I’d much rather try and prevent/control symptoms with natural things, over having to add in more pharmaceuticals, unless I have to. I know natural supps can only do so much, but that difference they help with could be the difference of having side effects or not ----‍♂️

Again, thanks for the advice.

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SeeOhShow's picture

There are studies out about NAC and its help for renal health. The liver defend has NAC in it, but if you have want to add more during a run with var, it can be had very cheaply off amazon.

Smarthulkdad77's picture

Isopure is my choice. Best quality protein is 4 calories per every gram of protein. Any additional calories come from fillers like carbs and flavoring. I intake 50 grams pre and post workout. But my total intake of protein a day is at 220 grams.. 100 from Isopure and 120 from chicken breast .
Don’t forget your Creatine , Beta-Alanine , Citrulline and all essential and non essential Amino Acids .

Jaxattax86's picture

Seems a lot of people like isopure. I def wanna try it, because I feel I could chug that down a lot easier than a protein shake. Save the protein shakes for at home/snack/in between meals, and the isopure for the gym when trying to chug down a shake, after drinking a ton of water from working out and already feeling bloated, would be a bitch lol.

Right now I have ON creatine & ON pre workout amino energy. After they get used, I may try different ones and see how they are, but I don’t wanna waste these. I got a ton of recommendations to go through, which is awesome. Super appreciative of this community and how many people will offer their knowledge & advice. It truly amazes me how chill everyone is, considering the typical stereotype of people who use steroids are all angry people lolol

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Smarthulkdad77's picture

I just got on gear last year. Low testosterone hit me 2021.
Passing the knowledge is good Karma .
You should fallow this channels on you tube

press1's picture

I started out taking ON Gold Standard, but often found it could make me feel a little sickly and not right in a weird way. Eventually I realised its because it also contains whey concentrate in its blend and being lactose intolerant, it was causing nausea and stomach complaints. Plus it was expensive!! Then along came My Protein and Bulk Powders offering different kinds of proteins and at much cheaper prices - I tried 97% Isolate and was hooked! It kept selling out or being pulled so probably about 18 months ago now I moved to Clear Whey Isolate and I much prefer it basically being like a fruit drink. Its Whey Hydrolysate too which means its the fastest absorbing protein you can buy, aside from Casein Hydrolysate which is marginally better but way more costly. Absorbing so quickly means there is zero bloat of any kind and you are ready to eat a meal very soon afterwards which is what you want when bulking. If you were to buy one product to help your Liver and Kidneys plus countless other areas I would go for Astragalus Root powder, this antioxidant helps everything and if your appetite is lagging it soon won't be - add in artichoke extract too which helps bile flow through the liver even more. Tudca is still great too, just don't taste it Lol

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Makwa's picture

Clear isolate is the best. I use a scoop prewo, intra, and post workout. Doesn't leave you with that heavy feeling in your gut afterwards.

Jaxattax86's picture

@Makwa what brand do you use? I was looking up isopure and came across muscletech. Looks very similar to the clear whey isopure but a few dollars cheaper. https://amzn.to/3HK2ttX

What’s your opinion on that one?

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Makwa's picture

That is the exact one that I use. Got it set up in my auto-delivery. quite a bit cheaper than the isopure.

Jaxattax86's picture

That’s exactly what caught my intention and both looked similar.

How is the taste compared to isopure?

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Makwa's picture

Taste just fine. Easy to mix and drink.

wanted's picture

Ive been wanting to try the clear protein but i keep chickening out. Scared about the taste

I suppose post workout in the car on the way home would be best for it ?

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DeeMan's picture

I'm usually up to date on proteins but not sure I'm familiar with clear protein. I prefer my protein to have some natural color to it lol. I imagine that clear protein gets in the system way faster though.

wanted's picture

I use coco pebbles iso 100 dymatize. Gona make the jump to clear soon tho

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DeeMan's picture

I remember using Dymatize many years ago. I used their basic whey protein. One of the worst proteins ever. That stuff went in and went out a few hours later. Since then I'm sure they have gotten better.

wanted's picture

They came along way with there iso 100.
No digestion problems. I just want to add the clear whey protein now in addition.

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Makwa's picture

My wife likes the fruity pebbles one. Too sweet for me though.

press1's picture

Pick a flavour that you generally like in normal fruit juice, then stick some Dextrose powder in it to sweeten it up a little as its naturally bitter with it being pre-digested, mix with water and you are good to go mate. So easy to drink and chug down - not at all like having to feel half hungry to get a dairy shake down tasting of vanilla or strawberry. You can bang in a scoop of creatine and HMB too without it being ruined. Make sure the water is cold as its way nicer, think some people use crushed ice in it too. My favourite flavours here are Cloudy lemonade, Fruit punch, Apple.

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Makwa's picture

There is just about any kind of fruit flavor and combo of flavors you can think of, I really haven't had a bad one yet. It is also super easy to mix with water. The other protein is terrible with water water, no matter brand, I have to use milk for that stuff but this is nice with just water

Catalyst's picture

If you want to continue with not finding a bad tasting one, avoid grape flavour. Absolutely horrible. And that’s from someone that will consume any edible lol.

DeeMan's picture

I've done a few good concentrates. So this clear protein is an isolate? Probably more of a hydro

Catalyst's picture

It is isolate. I use them here and there. Makes a change that whey taste.

DeeMan's picture

Ok. Might look into them. Thanks

DeeMan's picture

Damn.. grape. I can only imagine

Makwa's picture

Noted. Haven't tried grape because I haven't seen it. Maybe that is for a reason Bad

Catalyst's picture

Maybe they’ve gave it to us lot over in the uk and spared you guys the pain……

press1's picture

I remember when I got Grape flavoured BCAA's and at first they were quite nice - I think thats just because it was a different favour lol In the end whatever flavour EAA's/BCAA's you get they all taste like shit - its more a case of which one you 'tolerate' the best.

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Makwa's picture

EAA are the worst, hard to get past the smell of those no matter how good they taste. There is always that after taste to deal with.

press1's picture

I now just stick with Tropical flavour EAA's which is 'bearable' - throw in a scoop of cows skin and cartilege/arsehole and dextrose powder + some HMB, ..... Sing 'God Save The King' and sink the fucker as fast as humanly possible .....

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Makwa's picture

Don't forget the duck feathers and deer taint Lol

Jaxattax86's picture

Duck feathers and deer taint…added to the list. Going out hunting tomorrow Biggrin

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Jaxattax86's picture

Thanks. I’ll def take a look at those supplements you mentioned.

How much does the protein mix you’re currently using cost? Is it cheaper than ON or more expensive? Also I thought casein was the slowest absorbing protein, which is why I used to drink casein before bed so it’d last the night.

I want to try the serious mass from ON as well. I have a hard time eating enough, and I thought that’d be a good solution to help me one increase my fluids and two could be a meal replacement/extra calories when bulking.

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DeeMan's picture

Yea regular Casein protein itself provides more of a slower, sustained release as opposed to whey. Now when you start adding hydrolysis and isolate to proteins it tends to speed delivery of that particular protein with less stomach discomfort. Personally I still stick with regular high quality whey but isolates and hydrolysates are the thing nowadays. And like you, many years ago I depended on weight gainers due to my lack of appetite. But my cousin and one of my brothers have same off again on again appetite issues I have.

press1's picture

For sure bud, Casein is the slowest absorbing protein by a long way but when you process and break it down via hydrolysis - which forms casein hydrolysate the pieces of the protein become much smaller and get turned into peptides, these are digested almost instantly into the bloodstream. Its kind of along the same time frame as EAA's take to get into the bloodstream. Casein has more nutrient value than Whey does, hence casein hydrolysate being so effective but expensive.

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Jaxattax86's picture

Gotcha. Yeah using something like that regularly would probably be a bit too much (how much is it out of curiosity?). My only experience with casein was just regular casein. Not the special stuff lol

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Rosschestzip's picture

Ohh your fancy with your hydrolysate! You’ve got exquisite taste my friend