Jameshobbis's picture
  • 145

+ 12 Am pic after yesterday's cheat meal/refeed


This mornings am look after last night's cheat meal! I like to dig deep run flat for as long as possible then fill back up. Rinse and repeat! 5 weeks left of this cut let's see what we can dig out physique wise. This mornings weight was 91kg
Currently still running 600 test e, 400 tren e, 80mcg clen 50mg anavar to be added in daily from next week

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officer34's picture

Very very good

Gettinit's picture

Fuck YAH Man

Drexyl's picture

Now this is a great look, nice job!

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Jameshobbis's picture

Thankyou my man! 4 more weeks left to go of this current phase

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UncleYoked's picture

Holy hell, what size is your waist?

Jameshobbis's picture

Currently down to 30 roughly mate all my jeans have come down from a 36 to 34 now wearing 32inch waist but have to wear jogging bottoms undernesth and a belt in order to keep them up as its costing me a fortune haha

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anvil's picture

Always looking great my guy.

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Jameshobbis's picture

I'm trying brother you know how it goes! Never satisfied in this game! Appreciate you my man!!

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creatinehcl's picture

Looking great!
In five weeks, the form could be like in the previous pictures with an extra kg.

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RobertB80's picture

Small waist and wide shoulders. Great work. +1

Jameshobbis's picture

Thats the aim bro trying to bring in thay aesthetic look

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MEXVOL's picture

Looking great good job

Jameshobbis's picture

Appreciate you buddy

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NWApatches's picture

You look like a cobra - crazy look brother

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KevK's picture

I can see the cobra too.

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Jameshobbis's picture

Thankyou brother still some digging to do but happy with the progress so far!

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wanted's picture

Hey man Why no masteron ( hair )

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Rosschestzip's picture

Your all about the masteron these days huh? Lmao

Jameshobbis's picture

Masteron and primo is the new school ultimate combo man I just want to try and keep my head of hair as long as possible haha

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wanted's picture

When i see a physique like that. Or hear someone mention hardening up or cutting up / shredding. Yes masteron definitely comes to my mind.

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simonmagus84's picture

Prostate health

wanted's picture

Pissing 3-4 times a night

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Rosschestzip's picture

I was just messing with ya. But it’s def one of my favorites too, not even just for cutting but all around. I almost always run it for the estro control, it just seems to always keep me just right

Jameshobbis's picture

Yup hair takes a beating even while using finasteride and minoxidil man so no mast or winny this time around :/

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anvil's picture

Every time you guys mention mast 1 hair falls off my head.

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press1's picture

600mg Tren E ain't no joke buddy - Respect!! I can do it in Acetate no problem but doubt I could in enanthate.

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Jameshobbis's picture

Sorry bro that was a typo it was meant to be 400 haha im currently running 2ml test 300 and 2ml tren 200 my bad!! I have just edited --

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