Osgear's picture
Osgear 482


category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 123 Quality 99.6748% 123 Delivery 98.5366% 123 Service 99.8374% 123 Pricing 99.0244% 123
3256 RECOMMEND 206
lorenzouber's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Overall, the products, shipping, quality, and expectations from higher quality and well known brands on OS gear proved to be a great choice for a cycle. I decided to use Ultima pharmaceuticals for the brand, and the quality was just as advertised.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Products: Ultima-Anomass 400 mix, Ultima-Oxy
The long ester format of the anomass was great for the winter bulk, and the anadrol was cycled in and out every 4 weeks of and on until I ran out of the pills. The anadrol had turned me into a completely different person from the kickstart, but by the time the trenbolone and EQ shined through it didnt matter, I had completely transformed. The anomass and anadrol bulking strategy will absolutely be my go to. In complete honesty, I did not do bloodwork throughout the cycle, so I cannot comment on the impact this had on my lipids. However, I feel great and only struggled with slight indigestion at the end of the cycling of the anadrol. The vials were just fine with EOD pins using 23g, with no leakage (which turns out, can absolutely be an issue with some suppliers). The rubber stoppers are good quality IMO because of this.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Quick communication and very clearly elaborated on questions I had about the products and the promo. Os gear always has good and respectful customer services who care about making sure you receive your products as described.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Package arrived very quickly for a promo order (2 weeks) which was advertised originally to have a longer shipping time than normal products would have. Despite this, the package stilI was at my post office within 2 weeks. I had to pick it up at the local post office but I assume that this was not on their end of an issue, as some packages are just subject to being picked up instead of delivered. Zero issues at the post office.

Price to performance
Additional comments

OSGear usually has multiple deals and offers with their top manufactures, and thus taking advantage of these offers really makes the quality and price way worth it. Overall, OSgear is a place I will continue to buy from, and especially from Ultima.

I recommend shopping here!
Tipsygamer's picture
My overall experience

Tried to order for the first time and it's been a nightmare. It's been 45 days since my order and still nothing.

Products, effectiveness and results

Order was HCG, Tamo, Test E

Customer service

"Customer service" if that's what you want to call them, are rude and unhelpful. They did inform me I am just out my money and products so that's useful.

Shipping and Delivery

Never received anything and it's been 1 1/2 months.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Won't be using this service again.

I do not recommend shopping here!
  • [SRC] Osgear » Hello Sir, This is most likely a misunderstanding. Please accept our Friend Request and send us via PM your order number and email associated to your OSGear account so we can properly assist you. Respectfully!
VJ11's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)


Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

SUSTAMED injected very smooth and had no issues with pip. Boosts the overall mood and sense of well being and you can feel it within 2-3 days. Strength and size increased and noticed massive progress in back and shoulders. I had a strong urge to workout and aggression during workouts helped me lift really heavy.
T3 boosted metabolism and worked fine. Appetite was under control somehow.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

These guys were really fast in sending out promos and the customer service was exceptionally great.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I had no issues with packaging or delivery. It was dispatched very fast and arrived discreet.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Generous promo by the number one source here.

I recommend shopping here!
Riphraff74's picture
My overall experience

Overall experience so far is fantastic! I'm doing 500mg Test E week 1-16 with 400mg Deca week 1-12/14. Depending on the sides. About to start week 10 and the Deca is really starting to shine. My strength has increased in all areas as well has my size. Specifically in my shoulders and back. Very smooth oil, next to zero pip . I've definitely noticed an increase in aggression, not so much an increase in sex drive but hey that's deca doing its thing. I've gained about 10-12 pounds and my bf % still seems to be about the same.

Products, effectiveness and results

The quality is top notch. From the effectiveness to the packaging this is an A grade product. I use the Test E for HRT off cycle and I'm also loving how the Deca is helping my joints.

Customer service

I haven't had to deal with customer service to much. Had a couple questions about shipping and they were very quick to reply and answer my questions to satisfaction.

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery times can vary. I typically go international so that can take a bit longer. However 3-4 weeks is about average from payment to Delivery and the packaging is very well put together and has always made its way to me and in perfect condition

Price to performance
Additional comments

Bottom line is the quality is terrific and there prices are hard to beat. I totally recommend using this source.

I recommend shopping here!
Taz28232's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Excellent customer service. It took only like 7 days to get here and they sent me a free winstrol 25mg of winstrol x 50. Will be letting you all know test results. I just have to get the pack. OK I hope the review gets posted

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I just ordered their Ultima tri tren 150. I've done a half ml so 75mg and then 4 days later the full 150mg. Along with my trt which is 1ml test cyp 200 a week. Which I'm thinking I should split dose? I stay at 1200 to 1500ng/dl and 15 to 17 free test when I'm on 200mg a week along with clomid at 50mg every other day. Along with anastrozole .5mg 36 hours after shot. I Def feel it. The mental game is tough on tren. I'm at 250lb at 5"10. I'm looking to lose weight. Probably back to 190. Should I run the winstrol as well?

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

They all were awesome to me even tho I had a million questions. Lol

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great it was like 7 or maybe 8 days from an international warehouse.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Not going to lie the tren is a little higher than many others. However you pay for what you get and they didn't have to throw in the free gift of winstrol. I'm just honest in all reviews. You can get great results on tren that's 45 dollars and from 70 dollar to 100 dollar bottles.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 12/24/2023 - 15:29
  • Taz28232 » I also feel like shit today. I don't know why because you should feel great on tren. Probably too much weed but I love to smoke. Don't know when the tren is going to kick in its been 4 days since I've been on it and it's definitely got me feeling grouchy and lazy
  • [PRO] Makwa » Clean and no pip isn’t a review. Please reread the review guidelines
  • Taz28232 » OK I hope this is better I'm still learning.
Squats_and_gummybears's picture
Review does not meet our quality standards.
Edit your review to avoid having this entry deleted, and pay attention to instructions in the pop-up bubbles.
Your votes have been deleted, and 2 points deducted from your Review Karma.

  • [MOD] Greg » YOU MAY WRITE A REVIEW IF: You have received AND used the products, within the last 6 months.
jalenj122k's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

Week 1:
Excitement and anticipation are high as I embark on the testosterone enanthate journey. No immediate changes, but my starting weight is 200.3 lbs.

Week 4:
Energy levels have noticeably increased, making workouts more intense. No significant weight change, but feeling optimistic. Current weight remains at 200.3 lbs.

Week 6:
Beginning to notice increased stamina during workouts. While weight hasn't changed dramatically, there's a subtle increase in muscle definition. Weight now at 201.5 lbs.

Week 8:
Seeing continued improvement in muscle definition and strength. Workouts are more productive, and I'm recovering faster. A slight increase in weight, now at 203.7 lbs.

Week 10:
Libido is on the rise, along with a boost in assertiveness. Some acne has appeared, but it's manageable. Noticing a more positive mood overall. Weight has increased to 205.2 lbs.

Week 12:
The transformation is becoming more evident – increased muscle mass, improved stamina, and a more positive outlook. Some mood swings, but nothing extreme. Libido remains heightened. Steady weight gain, and I now weigh 208.1 lbs.

Week 14:
Continued progress with workouts; strength and endurance are consistently improving. Positive changes in mood and confidence. Weight has increased to 210.5 lbs.

Week 16:
Transformation is in full swing – increased muscle mass, improved stamina, and a more confident demeanor. Some mood swings, but overall mood remains positive. Libido is still heightened. Steady weight gain, and I now weigh 213.4 lbs. Overall, satisfied with the progress and excited about the journey ahead.

Products, effectiveness and results

Great quality with lab tests attached to each product you buy to assure you that these are legit. Everything I have bought has always been of highest quality and never encountered any issues.

Customer service

Great customer service with agents replying to you daily as they are available. Shipping and tracking is provided right away and allows you to get the comfort of knowing how you're doing and how close you are to receiving the great products

Shipping and Delivery

very good packaging and discreet at that. Came in two envelopes that seemed like regular mail. Did not suspect anything and they were packaged safely.

As for the products, they are kept safely in the package and unharmed.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Attached are my blood tests to see my results.

I recommend shopping here!
Jojo_s98's picture
My overall experience

Not sure why my honesty is getting flagged but I’ll re edit my review. Update on my recent order through OsGear. I bought the Ultima cut mix 150, now I know this has nothing to do with OsGear personally, they’re just the reseller. Ultima pharmaceuticals products I bought are COMPLETE garbage! 2 weeks in now and I feel nothing, especially being that these are fast acting esters, tren and mast should have been kicked in by minimum week mark. Visual effects show around 3-4 weeks but main effects in the body hit around end of week 1 to mid of week 2. Tint and color are off by a long shot, since Makwa wants to know all the details. No tren cough whatsoever, and before anyone says it depends on how you pin and you may not get it in mixes. Shut your mouths, you know nothing. I’ve been doing this for a LONG time and I know what’s legit and what isn’t. My body is super sensitive to gear. And I know when I’m running something good and something that’s shit. And yes you get tren cough even in cut mixes.

Products, effectiveness and results

ULTIMA PHARMACEUTICAL’s has HORRIBLE PRODUCTS, nothing related to OsGear though. Its not their fault.

Customer service

Customer service with OsGear was excellent. The products from Ultima are trash though.

Shipping and Delivery

Packaging was off. Instead of being in their own separate boxes, with labels and codes of verification, it was sealed vial caps. And the tren from the mix BARELY has a tint in color. Total scam from Ultima’s part. Again, nothing to do with OsGear

Price to performance
Additional comments

I recommend shopping with OsGear, but don’t buy the Ultima brand. HORRIBLE lab and HORRIBLE products.

I do not recommend shopping here!
edited 12/20/2023 - 16:07
  • 2tonstony » Weird… Ive been running Ultima for a couple years now, their gear has always been top notch… Specifically the Tren A… never got tren cough from it… bro give it some time you’ve been on it for 2 weeks and you’re already making a negative review… CHILL OUT
  • [PRO] Makwa » Would be nice if you actually gave us some real details on why you think it is trash
  • [SRC] Osgear » Hello Sir, We are sorry to hear that the product has not met your expectations. Please send us your order number and email via PM so we can properly assist you. You haven't mentioned anything about the time you've been using it, administration, dosage and eventually more details about the cycle you are running... so please let us know these details for a better understanding of the situation. Here is the lab test for Ultima-Cut Mix 150 and the product is dosed according to the label: https://osgear.se/lab-test/ultima-cut-mix-150-158-2130 Respectfully!
  • [SRC] Osgear » Hello Sir, Eroids have Review Quality Standards and if you consider that a product doesn't work, please explain why you consider it bad. It's easy to claim that is 'trash', 'horrible, 'garbage' and so on but this have no relevance for the community. There are many other factors when using a product. Cut Mix is used to gain strength and muscle mass and is very effective in use during bulking cycle or a cutting cycle... you haven't mentioned anything in your review. "And the tren from the mix BARELY has a tint in color." - again, this is a mix of Drostanolone Propionate, Testosterone Propionate and Trenbolone Acetate - 50 mg/ml each. Carrier oil is MCT. The color is determined by all the compounds... is not like Tren-A or Tren-E. Respectfully!
shyeye's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordered from them a few times in the past and it has always been the same.Smooth ordering process, prompt communication and good products always.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Received 1 x Ultima Oxa 50 , 1 x Ultima Cialis , 2 x Ultima Helios as part of a promo. They graciously threw in a pack of Nakon winstrol 25.
I had used Ultima Oxa 50 earlier and experienced the same again.50 mg/day was the dosage.Noticed increase in strength, increased pumps .Used taurine to avoid back pumps and it worked . Cialis came in 20 mg per pill.Used it an hour before expected action and paired with dapoxetine, it made for some real happy times. It was my first time trying helios .Started with 1/2 ml intially and then increased to 1 ml after 5 days. The shakes were not as pronounced as Oral Clen, but it definitely worked .Yohimbine gives me nausea when taken orally.Injecting it also did the same .Definitely , a good aid to lose fat in a calorie deficit. Used Winstrol 25 mg for only 2 weeks.Better pumps and hardness.Knee joints weren't happy though.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great Customer Service.Smooth process from Order to delivery.No communication required in the interim.Website is simple and easy to navigate.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery was prompt.Packaging was discreet with no sound of vials or packets moving inside the package.Arrived earlier than I thought it would ( based on earlier experience).

Price to performance
Additional comments

Excellent Service, good products.Customer Service is top notch.There is a reason they are No.1 .Recommend Shopping here.

I recommend shopping here!
flounder's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have ordered from OS a few times and have always been happy with the products and service. This is an honest review of some gear i got last summer.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ultima-mix 250mg (sustanon) - I have been running low dose TRT (150 mg/week) for some time and wanted to try something different from the usual test-c. I was very happy with the results I got from the Ultima-mix. I ran this at 75 mg along with Drostan E at 75 mg, alternating between the two every 3 days. The Mix is a crystal clear thinner oil that pin'd super smooth with no pip. It seems to kick in quick and enhanced my lift strength and pumps on the day of injection. I'm very pleased and will continue running this with the Drostan E (see below) instead of the Test C.

Ultima-Drostan E 200mg/ml - After being on TRT for several years my nipples had become enlarged and sometimes sensitive. Not wanting to add another compound to fight elevated estrogen I decided to split my usual T-compound with a t-compound that has an anti-estro effect. So, Masteron was a logical choice and Ultima Drastan-E fit the bill nicely. It is a thicker oil than the U-mix, but pins easily with no pip. It worked excellent at softening up my nips and completely eliminating the nip sensitivity. An added bonus is that it tightened up the look and definition of my muscles and helped to add some shadowing, especially between my delts, tri's, and bi's. At 68 years old my natty total T is at sad 160 ug/dl level :>(. Running the ultima-mix at 75mg and Ultima-Dros at 75mg (spaced every 3 days each) gets my T at a nice 750 ug. I'm very happy and more importantly very healthy since all other lab data is within the normal ranges!!!!

Ultima MT2 - I love this stuff...it gets me dark as night with little sun exposure. After a two week loading dosage, i ran a mere 250ug twice a week to maintain a nice dark tan all summer on one vial (mid-May thru mid-sept) Great value for a very good look. An unexpected (to me) side-effect is a significant increase in libito. When using Ultima MT2, I frequently wake-up with morning wood. At 68 this usually never happens and, of course, if this 68 year old dude wakes up with wood, then he is going to pull it cuz this ugly bastard ain't getting laid. I also think it makes my dick thicker or maybe its cuz i pull it more when on MT2? To sum it up, this 68 yo ugly tanned muscular dude is now pull'n his thick dick most mornings like there is no tomorrow...what's not to like.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Perfect communication. web site is logical and easy to use. The products I used are legit!

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Crazy fast shipping and delivery. Arrived ahead of schedule and perfectly packaged.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I'm so happy with the products and service from OS gear. I will be doing much more business with these folk and will continue to run the above reviewed gear because of its effectiveness and value. This is an unsolicited, sincere and honest review from a satisfied customer. Thanks so much!

I recommend shopping here!
Jonwiggs8's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

From the time I ordered to the time O received my order the experience was AWESOME and it could not have been easier.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I absolutely loved the products that I used. I ordered:
5x- Testosterone Enanthate 250mg(Nakon)
1x- Cytomel 50mcg(Nakon)
1x- Dianabol 25mg(Nakon)

I gained 12lbs taking the test and Dbol and then cut up using this t3 along with some other that I had along with some clen. As far as the Testosterone, it was AMAZING. It had ZERO, yes ZERO pip and went in very smoothly and easily. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND using this Testosterone. The dbol gave me amazing pumps and strength gains and it made me a little puffy and watery, but not nearly as bad as some other brands of dbol. I would most definitely use both of these products again. I think that this brand, Nakon, makes really good products and I suggest you give them a try

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Now what really sets OSgear a notch above everyone else is their customer service. When you have a question they answer it fast, like in less than an hour fast and they will do whatever they need to do to answer your question or if there is a problem to make the problem right and make you happy. Their customer service department is second to NONE! They are hands down THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

They ship quickly and in a Great way that protects the products so they not only don't get broken or tapered with, but so they also do NOT get detected. They package the products so well that you could drop the package off the Empire State Building and when you open the package nothing would be broken. That is how much care and how well they wrap these packages. The products are taken care of EXTREMELY WELL.

Price to performance
Additional comments

No only are the products GREAT, but the prices are also AMAZING. You get great customer service, a website that is easy and fun to go through, products that work, and they work WELL, shipping that is not just fast, but it is SUPER FAST and SUPER EASY. If you haven't ordered from OSgear I HIGHLY SUGGEST that you give them a try bc once you use them as a supplier you will never use anyone else again bc they are THAT GOOD. They are the best in the business and they are rated NUMBER 1 for a reason, and that is bc they do everything right, and not just the main big stuff, bur they get the little things right and pay attention to every single little detail.

I recommend shopping here!
hensomic424's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

First time trying anything from OS. I got in on a promo. But. My overall experience is great with these guys! I would definitely recommend trying.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

4-Ultima-Proviron - Ultima Pharmaceuticals [50 pills x 25 mg].
Very effective ! With in one week my loss of libido from deca had been fixed!
1- 25mgx50 Nakon DBOL- awesome for strength for pre-workout and strength!

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Anything I asked they answered quickly! Great communication! Process was very smooth! I received a pack of 50 Nakon 25mg DBOL which was freaking awesome.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

It arrived in about 2 weeks from overseas. I figured that's pretty impressive. Everything was packaged and great and discreet!

Price to performance
Additional comments

I will always keep these guys in my list resources!

I recommend shopping here!
bmart68's picture
My overall experience

OS is the best sources I have used and I have used many sources over the last 20 years

Products, effectiveness and results

I have only used the following Ultima Products

Test E 250- Feel great on 293mg/week, at 1662 ng/dL. No pip, oil is thick just like pharmacy test. Best UGL test iIve used.
HCG- appears to keep my testes full and hanging. Test positive for HCG on a pregnancy test. However I don't know if that is the best way to test HCG.
Cialis- Works well. Good pumps. Good performance'
Deca 250- Have not used
Sust 500- Have not used
TNE 100- Came crystalized (I was able to reheat it and dissolve the gear so everything is good to go now I believe)

Currently on the Test E, HCG, and Cialis for 3 months.

Placed another order and just recieved it

Customer service

NO need to use customer service

Shipping and Delivery

First order received in 5 days US domestic
Second order came in 2 packages at 5 and 7 days from order placement

Price to performance
Additional comments

First order products came in boxes with verification numbers. Second order some products just came in vials. The carrier oil for the test E 250 appears different in the second order as it is clear and the oils from my first order were yellow tinted.

I will post on the effectiveness of the second order in a few months with blood work to see if there is any difference between the test E 250 besides just the color. I uploaded a picture of the test E 250 from first order and test E 250 from my second order

I recommend shopping here!
  • [SRC] Osgear » Hello, Thank you for your review and for being our customer! Your first order was placed in June and the latest one this month, in December. You've received different batches of the product. This situation was already discussed here, on Eroids, regarding the fact that Ultima produced one batch using taller vials and Grapeseed Oil as carrier oil (from here the yellow tent of the product), due to a MCT Oil shortage at their factory. The last batch that you've received contains MCT Oil and also they used the Ultima standard vials. But there is absolutely no need to worry since these aspects does not affect the quality in any way. Also, buying from OSGear guarantees that all the products are 100% genuine! Respectfully!
  • bmart68 » I appreciate the clarification. I look forward to doing future business with Os. Thanks.
  • Jojo_s98 » Your situation is exactly like mine. I ordered Ultima cut mix-150 and they were all in separate vials with caps sealed but no boxes or verification codes. My tren was also very light in color. I’ll be starting week 2 of this so we shall see how it goes but so far nothing, and I have a lot of PIP.
TABMEISTER's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Can't go wrong with big OS, never had issues with them after lots of orders.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ultima Semaglutide
I've been using semaglutide for almost a year now and it's here to stay. The impact on my hunger levels during intense training days has been remarkable. I'm able to maintain my weight without having to starve myself or 20 hour training weeks. It's really nice to not have cravings for bad food, or have food on your mind all day.

Ultima Clomid
While I'm sure it's real clomid and dosed accurately, my personal experience with clomid was not favorable. I didn't feel as good as I usually do: I was taking clomid 25mg EOD for 2 months without testosterone. Mild side effects persisted throughout, like decreased libido; hence I ultimately decided to quit.

Nakon Dbol
OS added a free pack of Nakon Dbol to my order, but I don't use AAS so I gave it to a buddy at the gym: he was very pleased with the product.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As noted earlier, got a free pack of Nakon Dbol, very friendly. OS's customer service is exemplary. Anytime I've had inquiries for them they were promptly and professionally addressed.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The delivery process was seamless, and the package arrived in perfect condition. Came in a box with a bubble wrapped zip locked bag in it with another layer of bubble wrap around the vials. OS delivers on their promised shipping times. From placing the order to receiving the package, the process took about 2 weeks, no import costs (happens quite often with other suppliers).

Price to performance
Additional comments

OS is constantly running sales, for most products they're the cheapest reputable seller I know of. Combine that with their service and product offerings and you don't have anymore reasons to order from another seller.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 12/10/2023 - 11:56
chris.smith5555's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is my fourth or fifth order with OS gear and every time the process has been flawless. They’ve got a massive selection, almost too big. But I always find what I need and their shipping is quick. The products are effective and work as they should, and prices are competitive.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered two bottles of test, 400, dbol, 50 mg tablets and Cialis all from Ultima. I like the test because I don’t need a large amount to get a decent dose of test. Doing one cc a week. The Dbol this time, had a negative effect on me, though, even at a low dosage, 25 mg per day, I felt ill so stopped usage. Other brands I felt ok.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer is second to none. Website is easy to navigate and I like how it adds items to the cart without having to continually go back to the site. Once ordered, processed within 2 to 3 days and then shipped out. I’ve had to inquire on products in the past, and responses are always quick, usually within the same day.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always package discreetly. And well packed never had a broken bottle or any missing items. Shipping is average for Destin and where shipped from. Turnaround time is good. Compared to other sources usually 2 to 3 days after payment is received. I like to say provide a tracking number.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Always impressed with OS gear. No doubt their number one. Prices are great and they offer very good discounts. I like the buy two or three and one free as I usually need multiple bottles or boxes of tablets. Great selection on website and easy to navigate. No complaints out of several orders placed over the past 10 years. Will definitely use them again and would highly recommend.

I recommend shopping here!
Jojo_s98's picture
My overall experience

Honest review after Ordering with OsGear, grabbed the BOGO for Ultima CutMix-150 (Test P, Tren A, Mast P) I’ll begin going into detail.

-Very Light in color
-Mild PIP
-Came without the ultima boxes, which I thought was strange compared to others reviews who got their products in their each separate box. I will say it was nice of OsGear to throw in an additional test p vial for free, so thank you for that.

It is still too early to tell if the cut mix is legit, I compete in mens physique and just qualified for nationals last year. I been around the block when it comes to tren and cut mixes especially. Im used to seeing darker tren at least urine color if im being honest, tren doesn’t dilute that easy, especially in mixes. And before anyone says “oh it’s how it’s cooked” Listen, I’ve done this for quite some time. You can’t fool me when it comes to tren.

So far, no tren cough, (and yes you can still get tren cough even in cut mixes) I purposely shoot it fast to see if i get it.

I’ll be doing more updates on this cycle as time goes on. I appreciate OsGear for their generosity and quick service. They are definitely top notch in that department. It’s more so seeing how legit the quality of Ultima Pharmaceuticals is. Cheers!

Products, effectiveness and results

Too soon to tell, will be updating later on as I go thru the cycle. So far

-Mild PIP
-No Tren cough (which is strange)

Customer service

Amazing customer service, great response time, very generous and gave me an additional vial of Test P on the house.

Shipping and Delivery

Ultima CutMix-150 boxes and test p vial were sealed with lid, but were all out instead of being in their own separate box.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 12/10/2023 - 03:07
biguriel's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Review of my last osgear order

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Deus Mastermed E 200

Tried Deus' mast on top of 400mg of test I was already running. The product comes in a very professional looking package in individual 1ml amps. The amps snap cleanly and easily and the oil is clear and very smooth, no PIP. After adding this to my test at 400/400 I noticed improved definition within a few days, it really helps shed water and stay drier, also noticed a decent improvement in strength and veins just popping out everywhere. Noticed no side effects at all if anything all it did was reduce the sides from the test. Great quality product and a great addition to a test cycle.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great communication from OSGEAR, very fast response to messages and order processed within hours.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Came in a small discreet package through the letterbox, all bubble wrapped and in perfect condition. Shipped internationally via priority airmail took only a couple of weeks.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Very impressed with the quality of products from Deus, very professional looking products and very potent gear

I recommend shopping here!
Brolly6898's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My overall experience with this source has been outstanding
I was able to get inn a promo and was delivered 200 tablets of Pharmacom Anavar and 50 free tablets of dianabol.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

30-50 mgs of anavar was used a day for a quick 6 week blast
50 mgs was used on training days 45min prior and let me tell you
The pumps and hardness was tremendous and felt on day 1
By day seven I felt pumped all day with veins the size of garden hose flowing down the inner and outer forearms
Spider veins across the chest and traps
What amazed me most was the endurance the muscle had, I was able to barbell wrist curl 95lbs for 100 reps straight
The norm is 4 sets of 25

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I've been dealing with OS GEAR SINCE 2011 and communication has been prompt and informative and efficient.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

14 days quick turnaround

Price to performance
Additional comments

With 30% off most products and promos no wonder this source is #1

I recommend shopping here!
edited 12/07/2023 - 21:06