Saint gannett's picture
Saint gannett
  • 227

+ 2 Nandrodec by Pharmaqo


So, dieting is taking its toll on the power and the shoulder is acting up badly... I decided to drop the Tren and put in Nandralone for the rest of my building/dieting phase... which is only 6-weeks, so really looking more for relief to the shoulder than anything else. I believe the tren I was using was no good, in fact, last six weeks, no night sweats, no cramps, no smelling like piss, so I'm thinking receptors should take to this nicely, paired with a nice Test Blend and d-bol. Will be a 7-week run as I have to be cutting by the 24th of August, so 1ml M/F should be right at the door. Pretty used to nandralone, so it should give some great results. I love Pharmqo.

Big thanks to Steroidukshop for standing behind product and shipping quickly. I needed a name brand that I can rely upon and they were fast and reliable. Awesome job guys, thanks!

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Saint gannett's picture

So, I ran a promotion of another brand Deca... within 2-weeks my shoulder pain was back, test levels went through the sky and the only relief for itchy nips came from Arimidex, Caber did nothing. I complained to the source and they are helping me get tests completed, paying the cost. Anyhow, rushed in Pharmaqo Deca 300, same as imaged here, same source, it was here in three days, and in one week shoulder pain is going away, gyno symptoms are disappearing without having to use arimidex anymore and I am pretty certain I will see a return to vascularity.

I am a bit uncertain about an order I have in for another Deca, but I did set out this year to try the top 10 domestics and many of the International, more than just my 10-year buddy... nobody fucks you like your buddies, but I already ordered, so in four weeks I will be running another Deca..... but I cannot say how awesome this product is. Delivers what it says and acts on time. I am only running my next Deca to match my HGH, but if it is not spot on and from the gate, I am going to run this product without trying others. While I love this source and praise them, I can say that I have gotten this Pharmaqo around the area and it is always on spot... look for the shrink wrap and you have a good lead that it is the real deal.

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neiltrojan's picture

great service from this shop the best.

Saint gannett's picture

Yes, even if I just order 1 item, they treat it like a large order, lots of respect and great service. Funny enough, it is those 1-item orders that usually mean the most because either some gear has gone bad from elsewhere or I am in need of a top up between orders, but these guys average maximum 3-days to get to me. Pretty awesome.

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Saint gannett's picture

Es lief ausgezeichnet, ich habe zweimal pro Woche 450 mg verwendet, M/F als Überbrückungszyklus. Ich schneide jetzt, aber ich hätte gerne einen ganzen Zyklus damit beendet, es war eine schöne Medizin.

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Saint gannett's picture

Das wird ein sehr gutes Niveau sein, ich glaube, Sie werden damit sehr zufrieden sein.

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MonsterZ's picture

Nice order. These guys are on top of their game. Got caber/prami ?

Saint gannett's picture

Yes, Caber, by Pfizer, I always put those in the box before the first pin. Keep Pharmaqo Arimidex too, even though will be running lower test then nandralone. Thanks, always good to keep on the ball.

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Saint gannett's picture

I'll rotate a few in, he is about 5kg now, grew all nati too.... though his diet is as expensive as mine, we feed them whole foods by Applaus in mornings though we still leave out Purina biscuits through the day.

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press1's picture

That Kitten is too cute - I think you should put another up of him in your pictures!

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press1's picture

Buddy was the Tren that you were using Pharmaqo? I use it all the time and it never gives that tren smell to body odour or muscle cramps. It does however give stonking night sweats every damned night!! LOL

I have yet to try the Pharmaqo NPP so its on my list at some point ....

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WhySettleForLess's picture

I’m running the PharmaQo NPP and it is on point. One of the best NPPs I’ve ever used.

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Saint gannett's picture

No, the tren was another brand, special deal, buy one get one free... its in my pics.... 'If it looks too good....' I also never once got that horrible cough when pinning through a vein... usually hits me every 3-4 weeks at least once. Pretty glad I had read up on it before it first happened, thought I had killed myself, mind racing... Is this how my wife and kids will find me? Nah, it was bad and the source did not even give me an issue about it, just credited me the amount to the difference, can't get more fair than that. Kinda feels like fate, so many people telling me to avoid the tren and in the end, I did.

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press1's picture

Aah yes I see it now - Pharmaqo is the best Tren ace currently IMO

Try that if you still want to do more, most tolerable to run ever. The tren E is a steam train .... too much for me lol

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