Finnatobbuff81's picture
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+ 4 Lab results from GK 4 month cycle of Test 250 & Primo 200


These are recent lab results from a 4 month cycle of 250mg Test Cyp & 300mg Primo. pinning 2x a week for 500mg Test & 600mg Primo a week. These results were before I pinned that day. I usually pin Tuesday & Friday. I waited until Saturday to pin this week. So this was 4 days after pinning. I'm very happy with results. I have no Estrogen sides, even though it's kinda high. My red blood count is likely dehydration. I try to drink as much water, and that's all I drink everyday. I also take 1cc of GK's Cialis 50mg everyday. My source review will be going up shortly from this cycle. Any input on cycle or bloods would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much GK for top quality products

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Sosa123's picture

5 mg will last me a day or 2 lol

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ONESICK's picture

I missed that lol. 50mg a day is helluvalot lol. 50mg puts me good for several days.

DeeMan's picture

My did don't work so what da hell ya talking about?

ONESICK's picture

Yeah I'm good on 5mg ED. I have no issues getting it up. If it's like a thing hey lets go for a bit then 20 max but then I wont take any more for 2 days. The half-life being long, man no need to 50mg ED.

DeeMan's picture

I agree it is alot but he's not the first to say that. Personally I think that's over kill.

ONESICK's picture

I'd be afraid of my BP dropping too low.

DeeMan's picture

For real. Yeah I won't go close to that dosage.

Finnatobbuff81's picture

I take a full cc of Gk's 50mg cialis.. Everyday!

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ONESICK's picture

What's the reasoning?

Finnatobbuff81's picture

I feel I get a better pump at gym. Also it helps lower my BP. No need to worry about kidney stones either

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ONESICK's picture

Man I'd definitely lower that dose. You clould do 1/5 of that dose and still get a good pump. 50mg a day is quite a lot and I can see some bad sides coming from it.

Finnatobbuff81's picture

Maybe I start buying the 20mg dose after this batch. Haven't had any noticeable sides except having a semi most the time, and when wife looks at me I'm ready to go

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ONESICK's picture

Just don't take as much, no need to switch.

Big Tone36's picture

Dame bro your RBC looks like mine lol. +1 for testing

Drink mad water that hematocrit will drop

Gorillakingz's picture

$150 store credit is yours

DeeMan's picture

Thanks for posting. The vials that you have are both 10ml and each vial is either 200mg/mL or 250mg/mL. So 500mg total test and 600mg total primo a week. Primo tends lower estrogen in some individuals.

Gorillakingz's picture

12 ML sir!

DeeMan's picture

@ONESICK he completely went off on me....soo uncalled for!

ONESICK's picture

It was warranted lol

DeeMan's picture

He seems to think it was lol

DeeMan's picture

Ok ok ok! Relax, take it EASY lol. So defensive and harsh sir! I see someone up voted ya.

Finnatobbuff81's picture

Thanks for pointing that out. I've corrected that. Yes the primo was keeping my E in check so I never needed an AI

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DeeMan's picture

No big deal man, we all make mistakes and whoever says they don't, lol don't believe them. So I'll try primo soon but I'm a low estro converter so I wonder how it will turn out. You felt good with good sex drive?

Finnatobbuff81's picture

My sex drive is and always has been high. But I take Gk's cialis also just to assist if needed and also for it's other benefits

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DeeMan's picture

I kinda expected your estrogen to be a bit lower with 600mg primo. Interesting

Finnatobbuff81's picture

I changed amount mid cycle to keep my E in a happy place. I started running primo 500mg 2x a week for about 5 weeks. I felt like my E crashed. I would just lay on couch and not want to do shit. I was running it high because I know 1000 is a good weekly dose for great results.

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DeeMan's picture

Well I disagreed with a few guys about running primo at or close to a gram in order to see results. I just think if it's dosed right thats just not necessary. Especially if you are already somewhat lean.. But hey everyone is different and has there opinions.

Gorillakingz's picture

You don’t need 1 gram of primo (or anything) to see results

DeeMan's picture

That's true 100%.. You know. Some guys swear ya gotta have a gram or close to it of primo. It's rediculous.

Gorillakingz's picture

I’ve done 500 and had great results

DeeMan's picture

Wish me luck. I'll try 400. Thats old school dosage of primo. Gonna kill that high dosage myth.

Finnatobbuff81's picture

I definitely seen good results at the higher dose, but honestly didn't notice much of a change when I lowered it, except that my E went back up eventually. I judge my E by side effects. Basically itchy tits, sensative nipples. I wear a harness all day. Certainly not fun

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DeeMan's picture

So what results are you seeing so far from primo? Wellbeing, fullness, pumps etc?

DeeMan's picture

Yea not fun wearing that harness I bet. So I'm gonna pull a stunt soon by running primo E at 400mg/week.

Finnatobbuff81's picture

I'm sure you'll get something. Lean mass atleast. My biceps/triceps are solid. Almost turn myself on when I touch them.

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