UncleYoked's picture
UncleYoked 2128


Estimated T/A: 
Shows up faster than the clap

Payment Methods: 
PayPal, Zelle, Cryptos, Vanilla, Western Union, MoneyGram, Walmart, Amazon, Cash App via BTC, Bank Transfer, Ali Pay, Handjobs

Please note

We're a simple, farm to table operation. No flashy graphics or seizure inducing graphics, no advertisements, just organic anabolic goodness.
Our website is set up so there is no need for communication between any party, streamlined, simple and fast.
We are not careless reps working from a Chinese warehouse and we do not send your items from China or Russia, we are a US domestic source.
We're people, just like you and we put the people first. Unless they're assholes, in which case they can fuck off.

ABC's picture

im having the same issue and hit the minimum

UncleYoked's picture

still? I refreshed the module, it should be working :|

UncleYoked's picture

fuck me, I'm an asshole. Forgot to enable it.... now it's working

ABC's picture

fixed thank you sir

Plates-N-Quarters's picture

Landed yesterday. Thanks Yoke

UncleYoked's picture

Zelle is open to all now!

Liljuicy's picture

I made an order, forgot apartment number, and cancelled. I’m not sure if the order canceled though because it says “verifying crypto”.. what do I need to do? The money is already being transferred to..

V0411's picture

Add and message @UncleYoked

Liljuicy's picture

Okay. Thanks again. @UncleYoked I sent you a request man. Hope to hear soon.

fatidiot's picture

Sent you a friend request UncleYoked for some assistance.

mateo221's picture

Did you sell out of semiglutide already? It still shows out of stock. Thanks!

Irishmailman.'s picture

Hello uncle yoked, permission to speak freely?

UncleYoked's picture


Irishmailman.'s picture

Hey , I never had an issue before with anything I got from you guys, I'm just making sure it's ok to discuss the issue here..

Docsunshine23's picture

Holy fuckkkkk man could that Bold Cyp have gone ant quicker? Went to work and 2 days later POOOOFFF

Owes a Review × 1
Rvg3's picture

I’ve used their ralox & it works well. Scroll down a few posts & someone details their low dose accutane run. I’m going to do a similar run in the fall.

UncleYoked's picture

I used the ralox for the first time ever last year, I only went through 2 weeks and it took pesky gyno down to nothing, still no rebound. Can't believe how well it worked

Trenplease's picture


Here is my bloods for 50mg test e 3 x a week. This blood was drawn at Wednesday morning fasted before my Wednesday shot.

Perfect result for me.

I do need to work on my cholesterol. My SHGB is low too, any recommendations here are welcome

Jockstrap's picture

On any orals or just off of orals?

DeeMan's picture


scoobydoo's picture

Some orals, such as winstrol, can lower SHBG.

DeeMan's picture

I know. Figured the guy wasn't on orals but he could be

scoobydoo's picture


UncleYoked's picture

Rbm44's picture

When injectable superdrol back.in stock?

UncleYoked's picture

it's up now

Gh0st's picture

Estimated Restock on Cardarine?

Owes a Review × 1
UncleYoked's picture

it's always been in stock

Gh0st's picture

Must have been a glitch.

Owes a Review × 1
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