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JackBeNimble's picture

I am not writing a review yet as they still can make things a positive outcome and I dont want to be harsh if it has been truly what they say it has, but I will at least say this- so far things have been fishy and very unusual. I wont go too far into details, as I am giving them the benefit of the doubt and want to give them a chance to make things right as a good source would do, which would deserve a good review. But, for now, I at the very least would highly recommend NOT ordering from here. This is my first review for a source and I hardly review anything in general, I just wish I had known before ordering and if someone had wrote this then I would have, so I am only trying to save someones bad experience but I do NOT have enough evidence or sure signs that this place is straight up scammy. They have good reviews on muscleguru, but no reviews anywhere else, which makes you wonder. Im letting you know today, the wonder is legitimate and to follow your instinct and steer clear. I will most definitely update this when the ordeal has became clear, whether its good or bad I will also write my review. For now, my advice is a DEFINITE NO.

tattoofreak's picture

Unverified source, mate...

tattoofreak's picture

Sorry mate, don't know and imo it's too risky to buy from a newly listed and unverified source...

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