Jrblh2's picture
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Osgear international in less then 10 days.
I haven’t run sustanon for years it feels like
some say y it’s a everyday pin or minimum eod.
I don’t know if I can fully get behind that.
What are others thoughts? I think a 3 day a week pinning protocol would be enough. Willing to pin every day but why?

Ordered from: 
AK80's picture

Pinning M W F is a good idea for Sustanon if you want to feel that little bit of Propionate ester that's in it. It would help to keep your blood levels stable and less side effects that way too. I use it for bulking in the fall/winter. Plain old prop or enanthate for cutting in the spring/summer.

Brolly6898's picture

Why not just get a long ester if u gonna pin 3xs a week
I remember reading an article from an ifbb pro that sustanon is a poor choice if u gonna pin 2 or 3xs a week
Either stick to test prop or test e/c
And I agree aswell

Osgear's picture

Thank you for the TD pic and enjoy the products!