SeeOhShow's picture
  • 832

+ 15 Kits4Less igf-1 score


Supreme Batch A.
3IU AM and 3IU PM for 6IU total.
I was only on it for 19 days before checking, so maybe that did something? Only on 150mg/week of test cyp right now with it.
I’ll get it checked again once I finish the box. Took quest 10 damn days to post this. Sorry for the long ass wait.

EDIT for full transparency:
I do have my own theory. My AST/ALT have not fully recovered from my previous cycle and they’re still sitting at like 80 each. I was trying out a new supplement instead of my TUDCA/NAC/Milk thistle (and it clearly didn’t work). I’m thinking since my liver is still in a stressed state/recovery mode it wasn’t able to fully do its thing for igf. I bet this is reflected on my retest after going back to my standard liver protocol.

Ordered from: 
LaBahia2's picture

I got some GH Deluxe C from this source as well and plan to do a lab test. Question; should I be doing lab tests for IGF or HGH? How long/hours after injecting HGH is recommended to take the test?

scoobydoo's picture

I would do an igf-1 test. Just run whatever dose you're going to run, at the normal time you're going to shoot it. I'm waiting 3 weeks before I do my test. Kits will reimburse your igf-1 test if you run the gh for 6 weeks before the test.

LaBahia2's picture

Thanks, I will be going on two weeks of kits hgh, I started at 4ius since I was previously taking 3ius per day from another source. I increased to 5ius starting yesterday. I would like to wait a few more weeks, but I am kind on anxious and want to know if this is the real deal. I know there is a guy here who was talking 6ius but his test said otherwise. I will be doing the Igf test, I hear usually take the test after 3 hours of last injection. Do I need to fast before the test? Thank you

scoobydoo's picture

Taking the test 3 hours after last injection is when people do the gh serum test. Just run your gh as you normally would. I think you should fast, I'm not positive on that one.

HandsomeLifter's picture

I wish i could get my money back

In a promo × 1
ForeverFitBod1's picture

Sooo, I asked the mods at another forum where he was banned. They said because they found out that hundreds of accounts were created by him elsewhere. And that elsewhere forum is run by low life d bags who allow it to happen. Members indeed had it tested on their own, and those posts were deleted.

That's why this is the top of the food chain for forums in reviews in this hobby. Once they found that someone is corrupt here. They get shown the door. Once the word gets out between members. The source looks for a new outlet.

In a promo × 1
Kits4lessdomestic's picture

Man, you are blatantly lying and spreading misinfo at this point.

We were only ever banned temporarily on one forum, meso. The ban was for less than 24 hours. The reason for the ban was posting hyperlinks and "sourcing" in the lab testing section. We are not banned anywhere as of present.

State opinions all you want. You are well within your right to call us whatever you want, but please do not fabricate lies man. It's bad for your reputation, it's bad for harm reduction, it's bad for this board. Let's strive to make this forum better man. You're better than that. Much love brother :-)

AK80's picture

Ahhhh. No wonder I've been waiting for mine since March 14th then. But.............they posted below 22 hours ago? Must not be "fully" banned yet like Dr. Kitten was.

scoobydoo's picture

Have you contacted him? My first order was returned for some reason. He checked the tracking and confirmed. He resent my Supreme A and threw in a Standard F kit. Last week my original kit showed up after 19 days. I offered to pay for it and he said not to worry about it.

Chad P's picture

Maybe run for a bit and then go get your bloods tested, u can get an HGH/Igf test done for less than $100. I don’t think it’s fair to automatically assume everyone is gonna have the same results, tests are subjective to the individual.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

6iu, low 200's?

Yikes. I've had much higher liver enzymes. I'm definitely glad I did NOT hope aboard the hype train due to crazy prices lol junk

Members will lab test your GH I'm sure.

In a promo × 1
SeeOhShow's picture

I’m gonna do 1-2 more igf tests running it. If nothing changes, I’m gonna bite the bullet and send it off for testing. But won’t say how many IUs are supposed to be in the vial when I do. Won’t apply for the store credit either, as I think that muddies the validity of me/the test. Even if it comes back good.

Doesn’t help any of y’all in the short term though.

HandsomeLifter's picture

Much respect goes to you my brother

In a promo × 1
scoobydoo's picture

It looks like high levels of biotin can affect igf-1 tests too.

Kits4lessdomestic's picture

Your liver enzymes were about 80 at the same time as the test correct? Do you know what they were before that?

You said they were still recovering from a previous course, so I am assuming they were elevated even further 3-7 weeks ago. That would probably have caused less IGF build up from the other sources GH you were running prior to swapping to ours for the past 2.5 weeks or so.

SeeOhShow's picture

31/46 AST/ALT two months prior. I only ran the oral for 4 weeks after that test but that’s also when I switched liver supps. I’m thinking they did nothing and I was over 100 on both in the midst of it

press1's picture

Blimey, not much different to a natural IGF-1 score then Shok

Kits4lessdomestic's picture

Yep! There is definitely men in their 20s with that score naturally!

Kits4lessdomestic's picture

Certainly not the result I would’ve expected at 6 IU! Middle of the bell curve result would probably be around 450. 20 days is on the short end, but if you were running another source at 6 IU’s, it should’ve made no difference provided the previous source was of good quality.

What was your caloric environment like? Do you have any baseline IGF results or previous IGF results to reference?

Any aromitase inhibitors or DHT derivatives being used ie masteron/primobolan?

I imagine E2 was not very high given the testosterone dosage, however again I still would’ve expected a higher result, unless E2 was tanked, which is unlikely.

But like @23Sparta said, Chase Irons has a sub 300 IGF with 18 IU per day of Serostim, and likely super high E2 based on his testosterone doses.

That’s why having a baseline measurement is valuable.

Thanks for posting these up brother! Our goal is to have dozens of IGF results up on the internet for people to sift through.

If anyone wants to see results from other customers, shoot us an email.

SeeOhShow's picture
  • Caloric deficit.
  • No I shit the bed on the baseline test to get a comparison.
  • No AIs or DHTs
  • I feel great and have to cut my hair every 2 weeks.

I do have my own theory. My AST/ALT have not fully recovered from my previous cycle and they’re still sitting at like 80 each. I was trying out a new supplement instead of my TUDCA/NAC/Milk thistle (and it clearly didn’t work). I’m thinking since my liver is still in a stressed state/recovery mode it wasn’t able to fully do its thing for igf. I bet this is reflected on my retest after going back to my standard liver protocol.

Big Tone36's picture

I don't know I chronically have elevated ast/ alt and I test 400+ on 5 I.u.

Bloods are very subjective. Lots of factors. I like to just be on testosterone at a 200mg dose when I test my IGF

SeeOhShow's picture

I was on nothing but 150 test for the 19 days I took the supreme A. I’ll let all my biomarkers come back to in-range, and run it again once I finish the box. I also have 6 boxes of deluxe C, so I have plenty of opportunity to test my igf in various conditions/additional compounds. The test is cheap, so it’s not a problem. I get my lipid panel and CMP done 6+ times a year, so I’ll just tack igf on with it.

Big Tone36's picture

Well thanks for testing and for the future.

Yea the place I order my text from is only $79 for IGF test and $99 for IGF+GH serum

Chad P's picture

Yes both very elevated, I think 40 is highest number still in normal range

Kits4lessdomestic's picture

Yeah double the reference range liver values, and a caloric deficit. This makes a lot more sense now.

Now if his liver values were that elevated at the time of the test, they were probably even higher for the weeks prior, including all the weeks he was using the other sources HGH.

Haha this is exactly why we have context as one of the requirements to get the store credit. Now considering all the variables this is starting to add up.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s still entirely possible that he’s not the best responder, or even that the issue was with the product. Nothing is ever off the table. We make the best assumptions we can with the data we have available.

SeeOhShow's picture

I added my theory blurb to the post above so it doesn’t get lost in all these comments. That seems fair to you. I certainly wasn’t trying to hide anything, just didn’t think of it until after posting the picture. I have 6 Deluxe C in my fridge now, so there will be plenty of other igf tests from me pairing it with all kinds of combos. Will be interesting/informative to see how levels are affected by various conditions

Kits4lessdomestic's picture

Oh dude most people wouldn’t have even thought to mention their liver enzymes so just the fact that you followed up with that I appreciate!

This whole post makes for an AWESOME learning experience to be honest, it turned into kind of a deep dive of all the factors that go into IGF-1 metabolism.

We have plenty of customer IGF results that are super solid so I wasn’t too worried anyways. In case you have further concerns, there is a bunch of good feedback on that specific batch (Supreme A) on other forums. That’s why I kind of assumed out of the gate it wasn’t a product issue.

(Again, not ruling it out completely though, I think it’s disingenuous to make categorical statements/claims regarding this type of thing)

DeeMan's picture

Well hope it gets worked out. More bloods by folks will be key.

Kits4lessdomestic's picture

Absolutely, a large sample size is key, both with IGF results and HPLC testing. I wish we could bang out 30 samples from one batch to Jano cost effectively. Would be super insightful to see the intra batch variance. The 4-8 samples we’ve been sending for recent batches has already cost an arm and a leg lol! As our batches get bigger, we will probably test closer to 10-15 samples each.

DeeMan's picture

I can imagine the cost lol. Yes with IGF results and HPLC testing I agree. Well keep doing your thing man.

Kits4lessdomestic's picture

Oh brother I’m so glad you said that about your liver enzymes!!!!

We had someone on SST, I believe his tag was @makeway, who had a preliminary IGF result that was pretty low for his dosage. He said the exact same thing about his liver enzymes. He dropped the orals, retested again, and scored MUCH higher.

Caloric deficit also means your plasma insulin levels have been low which is a pretty substantial factor. (Of course depends how much of a deficit you’re running)

Man I am SUPER relieved you mentioned your liver enzymes. Can’t wait to see that follow up test!

This is all so insightful. Awesome!

DeeMan's picture

But that guy uses ALOT of masteron so that could be a big factor with him seeing low score on 18IU. Kinda hard to know. But factors you mentioned above are important. And yea I agree with you about score being north of 400, should of been. Hopefully it gets worked out.

23Sparta's picture

True, he’s running a lot of mast on that cycle. Although him and Steve said that they have never scored high IGF-1 on any bloods they have ever taken. Steve is not a big proponent of mast. Also, didn’t Makwa debunk that whole mast effecting IGF-1 one last time I posted mine? Pretty sure he did big bro

DeeMan's picture

Hey those guys just might be low responders. I honestly don't have the answer. Just goes to show how different we are lol

23Sparta's picture

Exactly bro! You know what it is. We’re all different and I don’t believe that judging a products efficacy through bloods is always cut and dry. We’re all different. I know I took nolva on those last bloods I posted, my bad. Although, that’s the only time I’ve taken Nolvadex while pulling an IGF-1. That time aside, I’ve basically been on growth for the last two years straight, running between 4-10iu, only taking short breaks to run other peptides. I’ve tested quite a few times, several brands, different testing protocols, and have never gotten an IGF-1 outside the upper 200s. @Kits4lessdomestic

DeeMan's picture

That's why it's so hard to really know and judge. I can't look at a person's situation off hand and know exactly because of various factors. Best I can do is try and troubleshoot the issue. But in your case we knew nolva was a factor. ...a factor, not the main factor lol

23Sparta's picture

Yup, that’s why we’re here crunching this shit. Everybody brings something to the table and we all eat.

DeeMan's picture

Hell I'm hungry...gimme that well done steak! Well not totally well done, I need some juice in it. Just no blood though!

23Sparta's picture

Haha yeah, that’d be tight af DeeMan. I’ll start em on the smoker and finish em in the pan however the fuck you want it

DeeMan's picture

Like Big Ronnie said....YEAAAA BUDDYY! I'm ready. I don't eat steak often but NOTHING like a good steak!

23Sparta's picture

Absolutely gotta get one in here and there! We’re only on this earth for two reasons…. Eat red meat and get pussy

DeeMan's picture

Hahahaha.....100 percent!
Out of likes.

23Sparta's picture

None needed brother. That was top of the food chain wisdom right there, stand on its own for eternity lol

Chad P's picture

You were running tamoxifen as well correct? That’s what he attributed the low score to….

23Sparta's picture

Yeah, correct, that’s where I messed up on those bloods for sure, running nolva

DeeMan's picture

Lol remember I even asked you were you running nolva. I told you about nolva's long half life....remember?

23Sparta's picture

I know I remember. Smh, I’m not going near nolva again

DeeMan's picture

That long ass half's crazy. Live and learn for all of us.

DeeMan's picture

Nah I don't think so bro. He gave his opinion. I don't remember him citing a study. I just gotta disagree my man. Anytime you lower estrogen you will affect IGF my man. That's fact unfortunately man.