23Sparta's picture
  • 1.2k

+ 10 Gorilla King TD


Ordered Sunday, in my hands today. Growth for me. Dbol for one of my bros.

Ordered from: 
Claudezilla's picture

Nice I just ordered 2 of his dbol injects as well and another 4 kits to boot just can never have to much GH but I’m definitely looking forward to trying his dbol

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23Sparta's picture

Damn, you guys are gonna talk me into keeping this dbol and telling my bro he’s out of luck lol

I’m definitely excited to take this gh for a test ride

JakeKO's picture

I would give your friend one bottle and keep the other. You’ll know right away if you should order more

23Sparta's picture

That’s sounds reasonable, they are high dosage and 12ml. He should be ok with one lol

press1's picture

I am betting thats Good shit!

What you have to get your head round Sparta is when you take that stuff you put it in with your cycle compounds, so it never feels like you are popping orals each day. You get no acid reflux or stomach issues and all that happens is you get stronger and bigger each time you train and in general just feel awesome. Don't look at it as a more expensive way of taking DBol tabs, its a totally different experience. Its like Gay sex, if you've never tried it then don't criticize it.

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23Sparta's picture

Well, I bet it is good too Press. Look closely and there’s just the right amount of beautiful crystallized hormone in there

You should be a pharmaceutical rep Press, then run for office. See? I just mapped out the rest of your days for you. You’re welcome lmao

Jeez between you and JakeKO I’m gonna have to keep one of these

press1's picture

Recently I did actually research what qualifications you need to do that job as there is a shortage of Pharmacists in my area, they earn £4k per month too. Turns out its one of the hardest Degrees you can take in relation to what the job pays! You have to get TOP grades in Physics, Maths, Biology and Chemistry and then do the Degree at University. You have to have precise knowledge of the entire human body together with Drug knowledge. Seriously bud just keep one and run it 0.5ml ED and you turn round in 24 days time and tell me I was wrong!!! lol

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23Sparta's picture

An ex girlfriend of mines uncle went through all of that schooling to become a pharmacist. He passed the final exam and but then failed the drug test and blew it all lmfao. What an idiot. He knew they were going to drug test him years in advance

Ok, I’m still giving my bro the two vials because that’s what I said I would do, but I think I will run one to pop off my next cycle. I love me some dbol!

press1's picture

Well ya know what they say, those intelligent in education ain't always so intelligent when it comes to living real life Lol What an utter waste of all that time and investment!

Yeh I have been thinking about this and the right thing to do is honour your word and give your buddy what you ordered him, its a bit tight half inching something that he has been waiting on and looking forward to getting. You can get one anytime you need it Smile

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23Sparta's picture

But they do look juicy!!!!!

Mac12769's picture

Nice bro. Waiting on mine and that sweet Golden Banana. I ordered a little late, but looks like its on the way.

23Sparta's picture

Every TD pic without one only increases your odds
Best of luck!!!!

DeeMan's picture

Which do you want more...the banana or vials?

Mac12769's picture

I'm not greedy, my collection of both is rising............ Good

DeeMan's picture

Lol I know that's right

Wonderboypower1's picture

Nice man. Everyone's dropping but mine.

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Gorillakingz's picture

You land Monday it would’ve gotten there sooner but you spit

Wonderboypower1's picture

That's code for golden banana. I hear ya.

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23Sparta's picture

You still have your shot at golden banana glory

DeeMan's picture

Ahhhh damn you finally hooked up with the Monkey Man huh??! Welcome to the Jungle! ...sorry I'm just now getting on here. Long day today. Starting new job and business soon. Life is good my brother.

Tell your bro get ready to smell of guaiacol. I remember Gorilla saying he used a little for dbol, kinda impossible to have high mg without.

23Sparta's picture

Man, I’ve been hooked up with GK. I feel like we’re married

Hell yeah! Get that shit brother! Respect your hustle and grind! Blessings, good luck and success!

Yeah, that dbol looks juicy af. There’s crystals floating in it. Definitely some gas. My bros a dbol head who ain’t scared of no guaiacol

DeeMan's picture

Cool.Yea I remember you testing on one of his products. And thanks man

Brolly6898's picture

Omg I got me dbol too
I plan 1 cc a day for a quick bulk

23Sparta's picture

Yeah, those are for my bro. It looks like some fire too me though, got just a little bit crystallized. Let’s you know it’s loaded to the gills. 1ml a day will have you right for sure

JakeKO's picture

Cool boxes!

23Sparta's picture

Yeah, they are slick

press1's picture

SHIT MATE - I thought you were joking when you said you'd do that for me!!! Preved

I'll BTC the money over now bud, just PM me your wallet ID.

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wanted's picture

Press ?? They dont have hgh in uk.
@press1. I was watching a podcast and they mentioned a company they order from

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23Sparta's picture

Naw, he’s drooling over the vials. Press is an inject dbol head lmao

press1's picture

Seriously man - why not keep them for yourself? Screw ya mate - you'll make some awesome gains off those babies!! In fact I'd take those over the HGH kit any day lol

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23Sparta's picture

I know, but I have a long cruise ahead of me and he’s chomping at the bit ready to go now. His bloods are good, he’s cleared for takeoff lol

I’m well connected. I can get more dbol anytime I want lmao

DeeMan's picture

Which friend is this for? The one you showed a pic of?

23Sparta's picture

Oh no no, he’s test only, first cycle. I got another one with several under his belt already. It’s for him.

DeeMan's picture

Coach Sparta. You been holding back. Straight chain gang gonna be swole! You seem to be looking out for them like a real one should or would.

Anyways long day for me but I'll holler at you guys later man.

23Sparta's picture

Haha, you already how I am. This is not a game. I’m out here for real trying level up and take my whole squad with me

Blessings gn

press1's picture

I think we are beginning to catch you guys up over here now - We can now get 100mg/ml MENT Ace now rather than just the weak sauce.

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23Sparta's picture

Maybe, but America is still always gonna have the best underground cooks lmao

press1's picture

I've never actually tried any American gear, all been UK or International so far.

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23Sparta's picture

Well, I’ve never tried any UK gear either lol. I’m just going by our reputation as the best moonshine and meth cooks lmao

23Sparta's picture

Too risky for me to mail them to you. I’m gonna have to pour them both in my mouth and fly across the pond. I’ll spit the dbol in a Dixie cup when I land and you can pay cash. Pounds sterling or whatever it is you have

Drexyl's picture

I think it’s technically a pound, but they call it a quid. The same way we call a dollar a buck. As much as I joke about it and give ol Press shit about it, the Brits really do have some cool slang. It’s even cooler when they speak that rhymey cockney stuff. “Bugger off ya knob, are ya Mutt and Jeff? Get moving along before I kick ya in yer bollacks!”

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23Sparta's picture

Agreed, I’m with you 100 Drex. They do have some cool sounding slang. I've been trying to commander some and bring it out here. Much tougher to pull off than I thought.

press1's picture

Can you not just shove the vials up your arse and spit them out in the Gents toilets when you arrive? I'll treat you to a McDonalds and a cup of Tea then you can go back home again!! Lmao

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23Sparta's picture

No sir, they got the full body scans at the airports now. They’d easily be able to make those vials out inside me and then I’m back in the slammer.

This is what I can do…. Inject both vials into my bladder and then piss fill all your syringes for you.

McDonald’s!? Lmao, I’d rather have haggis

Rosschestzip's picture

The Bulgarian Olympic powerlifters back in the like 70s we’re eating 100s of dbol tabs a day and to try and beat the drug testing the had clean piss injected into their bladder, I’m guessing through the urethra with a catheter, and still failed lol

Edit: I think it was the 70s but may have been earlier, they had no clue about steriods and it had just became a thing so probably earlier than the 70s actually

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23Sparta's picture

Yeah wasn’t dbol invented by the U.S. to cheat at the Olympics? I knew injecting piss was a thing.

You know the tube inside of a pen that holds the ink? In prison, dudes would cut off like 3/4 of an inch of that tube. They would pack it full of powdered bleach, then jam it down their piss hole so they could beat the drug test

Rosschestzip's picture

I’ve never heard that one before. Fuck that send me to the hole man, or I’ll find another way. When I was in a sober house, I was in drug court so if I failed a test I’d go to jail. They’d test us at 5am mon,wed,fri, it was a urine testing company that would come to the house each of those days and test everyone and then take the Piss with them.. But for guys that had already left for work at like 4am, they piss when they got home and the house manager would give it to the piss company on the next day they came. So I’d be at “work” every mon,wed,fri, and piss when I got home, then in the middle of the night I’d break into the office and clean the cup out and replace it with clean piss. It was pretty fucking genius if you ask me

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23Sparta's picture

God damn bro. Lmao, that is pretty fucking slick. All mission impossible on the UA cup and shit lol.

Yeah, I never did the tube in the pee hole thing. Agreed, too much. The first time they UA’d me this last time in prison, was three days after the last time I got high. I dropped clean then, and I’ve been dropping clean ever since

Rosschestzip's picture

Damn bro, getting clean in the middle of a sentence is crazy bro. Mad respect for that one

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23Sparta's picture

Appreciate that brother. Yeah, just put it down and never picked it back up. That’s not to say it was easy