Anavar 50
Anavar by Pharmaqo

category count / average
Effectiveness 6.6 5 Credibility 7.4 5 Side Effects / Pip 8.4 5 Overall 6.6 5
Cbattle2111's picture
+ 5
Product Effectiveness
Average: 2 (1 vote)

Product was effective, but the integrity was questioned. From someone who has taken 100% legit anavar I had my doubts. It gave results just not the desired result.

Product Credibility
Average: 6 (1 vote)

Most of the stuff from pharmaqo is ok, but this is the only product I would be careful with. Could have been a bad batch. Not a knock on the brand, but was disappointed with this one.

Side effects and PIP
Average: 2 (1 vote)

Headache, water retention, weight gain, strength gain.

Final Verdict
Average: 2 (1 vote)

Be cautious before purchasing this product. After taking it gave diamanol like results with water retention as well as headaches. Proceed with caution.

Additional comments

Same brand pharmaqo anavar 10mg were sent out to be tested. Report came back they were good. 50mg were not tested, but I have heard questionable reviews from others as well... just be careful with this one.

I do not recommend this product!
  • Izzy75 » My experience with the orals of this brand is that they works better when placed under the tongue and let them disolve little by little. For some reason if I just swallow them I won't experience anything with them. Maybe the ph levels of the raws is not in the right range. Ph and bioavailability go hand in hand. I do like the injectables of this brand though.
  • AK80 » Yep it's like 23% more bioavailable since it doesn't pass through the liver. But even then still, been doing 50mg for the past 3 months and.......meh. Even with 400 test, 300 primo and 150 tren.......meh. Maybe I've peaked and reached my limits? 6'1" 230 and ripped. I guess I need to just stop complaining and be happy.
  • Cbattle2111 » I agree with guy up top pharmaqo oils are solid also yea you gotta take a break or stuff stops working
  • AlwaysGottaStiffy » I've used the same brand for adrol. Was not impressed at all. For what you pay, you'd expect more.
  • robb » For the price they should be tested on a more frequent basis. I have two packs at home that with this review and others making me think twice before taking them.
  • [SRC] Mr.PQR » https://www.eroids.com/pics/new-pharmaqo-lab-tests lab test is here
  • [SRC] Mr.PQR » We will send now that same anavar to janoshik and post the results here. U can do the same and if It's bad we refund you and pay for testing
  • Cbattle2111 » Send me a message
  • Bill1976 » It’s your honest review. Plus one from me
  • RazorRambo24 » This guy is entitled to his review and his opinions.. This is what this site is for. I would say though next time be more detailed in your review. You gave a pretty generic low effort review.
  • Cbattle2111 » Alright I'll make sure I take more time when writing reviews. I just try to be careful because people are sensitive for one. Two I don't want to accidentally say something and break a rule. Biggest takeaway was I noticed the water retention and did not see the hardness, vascularity, and lean fullness that only anavar is able to give me when cutting. I mentioned a lot more in reply also mentioning I gave a pack to a friend and got complaints of water retention. Yes anavar is one of the most faked ones out there. Many times it will be a mix of anavar and winny or just winny aline or dbol. These are the most common scenarios. Testing runs some money so I cut my losses on this one. Iv been around a long time but am still new to the site. I try to learn everyday.
  • Gabriel Willis » Whether you are giving a positive or a negative review of a product, I personally always appreciate the honesty. So plus one to you for just giving honest feedback. Thank you brother!
  • Cbattle2111 » I appreciate it. Actually going to try out their injectable superdrol. Interested to see how that will work. I'll follow up on that too. I don't want to come off the wrong way and i get people are skeptical of the new profile. It was probably a bad batch because their 10mg anavar was tested and came back legitimate. The 50mg I have my doubts.
  • simonmagus84 » You’ve been a member here for a grand total of 12 hours. Headache is a common side effect for Anavar. This was by far the best Anavar I’ve used and have close friends/family who would agree. This is another bogus attack on this brand that holds no value.
  • press1 » I like the way he lists 'Strength Gain' as a side effect - Anyone with any kind of steroid experience would know this shows the product is legitimate. I too got a headache from these 50mg tablets! Its called increased blood pressure.
  • Cbattle2111 » Yea it's also a side effect of dbol as well. A packet was given away for free and the feedback I got was they stopped taking them because they "felt really bloated". Var doesn't do that. This was my experience with this batch of this product. Every batch is different unless your getting pharma. That's just the way it is. Been around for long enough now and have run several courses of VAr so I know what I'm looking for. Pharmaqo has been solid in every other area, but this product was concerning to me. I can guarantee not all of the batches are the same as what I had. I'm just sharing my experience.
  • RazorRambo24 » Just send it out for testing brother. We can't just assume because it never helps validate or verify anything. Anavar is the most faked substance/compound on the market so good luck brother.
  • Cbattle2111 » There was no issue with the ten mg from this brand. There wasn't an issue with their NPP DBOL Masteron or proviron either. Even have test results from the ten mg anavar from them that checked out. Yes headaches are a side effect of anavar, but I am very familiar in regard of how I respond to what. I have ran several courses of PAR brand oxandrolone so I know what I'm looking for. A veteran told me to share my honest experience and not just give perfect reviews. I even gave a pack away for free just for feedback and tbey stopped taking it because "they felt really bloated". Every batch is different regardless of brand. My Length of membership here doesn't hold a candle to who I am and my experience. This is why I left this site years ago always someone who is all knowing and loves to tell you all about it. I also received feedback from others who received the same product on a different site. I'm just sharing my honest experience here. I only came back here because a good friend of mine has been a member for ten plus years and encouraged me to make an account and share my experience. I will have no problem leaving either if I'm just going to be attacked for sharing my experience with products.
  • simonmagus84 » If you don’t mind, do you have lot# and did you purchase from the actual supplier or reseller
  • Cbattle2111 » Purchase was made from naps. Id have to dig up the lot number. Several others gave similar feedback from this batch. Every batch can be different. I seem to be receiving a lot of criticism for my feedback. This was the only pharmaqo product I had a problem with.
  • JakeKO » Wow! I’ve never used this brand but have only heard great things about it. I’ve never had my body fat down low enough to get the results I’ve always heard about, regardless the brand
  • Cbattle2111 » Everything else I received from them was great. Never had a problem. There was a special on them at the time so it could have been a bad batch man. I'm just keeping it real because I was told to do that and not just give ten star ratings. Every batch is different. Actually am taking their BPC 157 and proviron now and both are great. I will refrain from commenting or making any other reviews because apparently if your a new member on this site it discredits someone with over 10 years of experience.
laxman3221's picture
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

Nice bump in strength and size. Great pumps in my back and shoulders

Product Credibility
No votes yet

bought it from a trusted source so I knew it was good and verified the product.

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

None that I can remember, just some painful pumps.

Final Verdict
No votes yet

The 50mg improved my strength nicely as I took it about an hour before my work outs.

I recommend this product!
Licinius's picture
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

zero improvement over the cycle

Product Credibility
No votes yet


Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

Sore joints, poor mood, no energy or motivation

Final Verdict
No votes yet

BUNK! I bought this because of the reviews. Whatever I was supplied, it definitely was not Anavar!

I took one pill each morning approx 60-90 mins before my workout. 3 days into the cycle I developed joint pain in my wrist, elbows & knees. I continued for 4 weeks before binning the rest. I developed severe pain in my calf making cardio impossible, I have huge calves naturally so never train them (other than cardio).

The joint pain was so bad I got my wrist x-rayed, thinking Id broken it

Genuine Anavar aids the joints

My gym workouts have suffered because I feel like shit, I'm barely in maintenance mode, lacking motivation & energy.

First week despite the joint pain I did see an improvement, my muscles were harder but of course this could be placebo. I believe these pills are gear, but def not Anavar & I wont buy Pharmaqo again

I do not recommend this product!
Aurel7659's picture
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

I took between 50mg to 100mg about an hour before each workout.

Strength went up nicely accross several weeks despite being in a calorie deficit.

The leaner I got the better I looked after just a few sets, especially shoulders and biceps.

I stopped gaining strength after 4 weeks of use, after what my performances stayed the same and I kept cutting.

Product Credibility
No votes yet

I've never been disappointed by Pharmaqo lab products.

Once again, I've very pleased with their products.

It's quite rare to find some good real anavar well dosed.

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

Some heart burn after 2 weeks of use, most of the time it was happening during the night. Not very pleasant nor convenient for having a good night of rest.

No loss of appetite though.

Some unpleasant lower back pumps when doing squat and deadlift but nothing terrible though. It was quite bearable, not like dianabol or superdrol back pumps.

Final Verdict
No votes yet

Increased strength and endurance.
Really nice pump, muscles look veiny and the fibers stand out.

Additional comments

High quality product, nice and lean gains with minimal side effects.
If I had only one oral to choose for the rest of my life it would be this one.

I recommend this product!
Hoags64's picture
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

Didn’t feel much from it

Product Credibility
No votes yet

Never thought to check before i through it out

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet


Final Verdict
No votes yet

Had a few different types of anavar don’t really feel much from this, through the pack out never thought to check if it was fake or not

I do not recommend this product!
Tom6969's picture
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet


Product Credibility
No votes yet

Authentic via code

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet


Final Verdict
No votes yet

This Anavar didnt do anything to me. Could not feel any difference so for me waste of time and money

I do not recommend this product!
joe94's picture
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

didn't try as code was not legit

Product Credibility
No votes yet

Product code failed website verification

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

didn't try as code was not legit

Final Verdict
No votes yet

Bought some from gym-supps.com and the code doesn't seem legit. See for yourself

I do not recommend this product!
Trance_Viking's picture
+ 2
Product Effectiveness
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Week 1 - 6
50mg each day split across 2 doses, morning and night due to shelf life of Anavar.
Week 6 - 7
75mg each day split across 2 doses, morning 50mg and night 25mg.

It might be worth noting that I had spent over 3 months out of the gym due having hernia surgery. This, as well as it being my first cycle I wanted to play it as safe as could be. Not pushing myself back into another surgery with the explosive strength gains that other steroids provide seemed solid rationale.

The research I had done, suggested you don't really "feel" Anavar kicking in compared to other AAS/drugs etc. That said I could absolutely start to feel the pumps in around 3.5 weeks. Not only did I feel stronger, lifted more but I could also see that I looked fuller which had taken my far longer to achieve in the past when returning from injury.

I had intended only running at a 6 week cycle however opted to finish what I had purchased and ending up doing 7 weeks. I have managed to go beyond my strongest lifts in an incredibly short space of time.

My starting weight was 170lbs (12 Stone 11) it is the lightest I have been in over a decade.

My current weight is 196lbs (14 Stone). That is a weight increase of 26lbs so you will not be surprised to read I was very much in a calorie excess and using Anavar as a bulking steroid while also having the fat burning benefits as I have remained incredibly lean.

Product Credibility
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Product was verified using the code on the package on their website.

Side effects and PIP
Average: 10 (1 vote)

I have had little not no sides from Anavar other than some heartburn when I started to up the dosage to 70mg per day. I also got a bit spotty on my head - nowhere else such as face or back however I was never one for spots so can only presume Anavar has caused this.

Final Verdict
Average: 10 (1 vote)

This was weapon of choice for my first cycle. I highly recommend this product due to the results it has given me over such a short period of time. I was weary given Anavar seemed hard to come by these days, and what was out there was expensive against other AAS options As my first cycle, I could not be happier in making the decision to go with these guys and their Anavar.

Additional comments

The only thing I wish I had known is that there was no break line on the 50mg tabs - I likely lost some to powder with trying to split but ended up 50mg as my morning dose in my final week. This is obviously not an issue for MR but merely an observation on my end which may help future buyers.

I recommend this product!
edited 06/26/2022 - 08:47
Products needing reviews