Trenbo e 200
Trenbolone by Para Pharma

category count / average
Effectiveness 9 1 Credibility 10 1 Side Effects / Pip 9 1 Overall 10 1
BdogMalaure's picture
+ 2
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

I always like to include Tren E (as it makes me feel like superman) in the majority of my cycles. Hence why I am always trying to search for new labs and experiences. At this time I had to give para pharma Trenbo E 200 a go. Para Pharama is one of the best if not the best lab I have tried. They give you exactly whats on the label and more. Their Tren E is powerful and potent and no bad side effects from the injections. I highly suggest you to give any of their products a try. Para Pharma is the real deal, reliable, reputable and most importantly their products hit and exceed quality expectations. I have already gained a LARGE AMOUNT of lean muscle and all of my lifts have increased DAY BY DAY!!!!! 200mg a week was good for me and made me feel like superman!

Product Credibility
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After researching the company and doing countless of emails to and from the supplier, I have can say with utmost confidence that this product is thoroughly tested and has a high grade rating. There is nothing dodgy or shady that they do that some suppliers I know do (from unfortunate experiences). Not only credible product but also a credible company as well!

Side effects and PIP
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After the first injection there was some soreness but went after a couple of hours (bad pinning on my part). The side effects a very easy to control due to not only the short ester of the Tren but also because the product is legit. My sleep has been in a way some what interrupted but after 2-3 days (after the half life point peaked) my sleep went back to normal. I was considering taking strongly dosed sleeping medication but luckily did not have to resort to this with this product.

Final Verdict
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This product in particular has not only massively promoted muscle growth, but has also provided the following benefits for me:

Increases power.

There is an increase in performance.

Endurance is significantly improved.

More power and more energy for training.

The rest periods are shortened.

Muscles regenerate faster.

I recommend this product!
Boa's picture
+ 2
Product Effectiveness
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For 400mg/week i feel this is just my top dose. I pin 0.5 (100mg) every other day and pulls the trigger on my stamina, strength, and muscle hardness.

Product Credibility
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Para pharma lab is my fav ug lab at all, after many years of using steroids, I like it because it gives you what it says on label, it deliverys credybility and thats enough for me.

Side effects and PIP
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On 400mg every week, just normal greasy skin and hair. Hairloss a lil bit and some acne.
No pip in injection.
What everyone using tren has to do is to check on mental health, this is.more.important too.

Final Verdict
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I like to run tren on every cycle I have made, Its just my fav substance, even tho I got some side effects such as hairloss, its just not bad bad bad at all. I run parapharma for my last prep, i can actually say it worths every.single cent spent. My stand dose is 400mg per week, but I love pinning in small doses, i just feel my body responds.better this way.

I recommend this product!
Tommyb916's picture
+ 3
Product Effectiveness
Average: 9 (1 vote)

Effective at a 400mg dose BECAUSE it’s properly dosed; can’t say that for every single vial that batch was indeed tren ; cut 11 pounds down and strength still increased dramatically, pinned on a Monday am and again on a Thursday pm. If I remember correctly I frontloaded 600 then took a picture of the fcking vial..

Product Credibility
Average: 10 (1 vote)

ParaPharma continues to come through , purchased from a well known source the domestic touchdown is consistently on par with the fastest in the biz guaranteed.. international orders and promos galore I highly suggest hoping on a grabbing a vial. Major UGL to never sleep on is this right here..

Side effects and PIP
Average: 9 (1 vote)

Week 1: nothing maybe a little heat expenditure from the body
Week 2: damn too much and the Esther carried causing insomnia that kept me up for 3 days straight
Week:3 vascularity on the top and appetite down the tubes( taking full a advantage of tren e on a cut I was getting rid of love handles that stayed for years
Week 4: same as week 3 introduction of Seroquel for a sound sleep that was a game changer; but an appetite booster

Final Verdict
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Most likely the most long overdue; however ParaPharma continues to come through with some properly(sometimes overdosed) injectables. This is a review from months ago when I first introduced tren into a cycle along side ParaPharma Teste400.. what a complimentary force, although a little pricey domestic it was worth it. Decided to cut down from 175 lbs ending myself right around 164lbs at the end of four half weeks (many selfies taken during this) showing extreme vascularity that I’ve never seen .. at least on my body.. granted I was running the test at 850mg I decided to run the tren e at 400mg. Sides weren’t even that manageable I lost the ability to sleep right at the two week mark, resulting in some pretty insane energy that carried over into my workouts early the next am. I’m attributing the lack of stress due to the cortisol suppression ? I know this as a younger teen with elevated cortisol I’d wake up with a feeling of impending doom, this completely nullified ; another major plus was keeping kals at 3k , and visible abs oh the abs

I recommend this product!
Gym and Bikes_bro's picture
+ 1
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

Man, just crazy... With just a very little dose I got crazy definition and fullness of the muscle and my aggression and the gym performance skyrocketed to the stars. I've had night sweats and I was more irritated sometimes, but it happened to me with any other tren too, so its not just this brand...

Product Credibility
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No idea, I didn't even know this brand existed, but it was deffinitely good stuff. I first googled it and it seemed like there's plenty of talks about the brand, so I believed its a genuine product and not just some cellar laboratory.

Side effects and PIP
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Heavy breathing, sweats, agression, high libido, brainfog, innatentive behaviour and sometimes even hard to focus.

Final Verdict
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First tren that I've used alongside with sustanon back these good days, about three years ago. I remember I got two bottles of this miracle from a gym mate in Iraq and I smuggled it back to my country in my toothpaste, haha. It was also black and gave me crazy results with as little as 200mg per week. I've had few different bottles of tren since than, but this one remains one of the best, probably its just nostalgia because that was my first strong compound, but yeah, still its definitely very good product.

Additional comments

Strong as fuck, with quite some downsides...

I recommend this product!
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