Driada Medical's picture
Driada Medical 14


category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 23 Quality 100% 23 Delivery 100% 23 Service 100% 23 Pricing 100% 23
Hotchner's picture
My overall experience

I bought like 3 weeks ago the first time, i took Testosterone Enatate.
I really like it , i am not into BB , i am an MMA Fighter so my goals are not to put on a lot of mass.
Definitly this Product helps in MMA trough very hard drill sessions, well iam satisfied it does it job well for what i need it.
My Regeneration is great, and i do not loose my muscles coz of the hard cardio that comes with my sport.

Products, effectiveness and results

Testosterone Enatate 250 mgl/10ml
Well great Regeneration, gives good strenght, i use 375mg per week.
No loss of my muscles.
Effectivness 5/5

Customer service

Great, very friendly and quick.
They know what they talking about if u have any questions

Shipping and Delivery

Delievery is very good sealed , discret a normal package.
took like 6 days after order to arrive.
Recommend it

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 08/10/2023 - 13:17
Marcel 1997's picture
My overall experience

Customer at Driada for 2 months. I am currently using Sustanon and Primobolan. The quality so far is very good.
While using these products I have a significant increase in strength. I feel very good and focused and don't feel any side effects.

Products, effectiveness and results

My current cycle:
Sustanon 250mg e3d
Primobolan 100mg e3d

very good quality. no side effects felt so far. the training is going very well and I'm getting stronger and stronger. I tolerate the oil very well.

Customer service

Fast and friendly Telegram customer service. They always reply within a few hours and are very helpful.

Shipping and Delivery

The package is very well packed so that nothing can happen during delivery. My orders have arrived within 6-9 days.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I hope that the quality at Driada will continue to be as good. I will continue to order exclusively from Driada in the future and look forward to further great auctions, discounts and offers

I recommend shopping here!
pepo22's picture
My overall experience

Satisfied customer at Driada for a year now. I am currently using Test E, Primobolan E, Winstrol and HGH. The quality supplied has remained unchanged over time, confirming its excellence.
While using these products, I have experienced a decent increase in strength and a marked increase in lipolysis. In parallel, focus and concentration are also increased, but without an increase in aggression as well. I feel very serene and motivated.

Products, effectiveness and results

Excellent product quality, both in terms of composition (oil) and obviously in terms of results.
No pip or pain at injecting so the oil is quite good.

My actual Cycle:

300mg Test E
700mg Primobolan E
50mg Oral Stanazolol
4ui Powder HGH (but even the liquid is fantastic)
12,5mg Aromalyn 2 times a week (for me is enough)

Customer service

Fast and efficient Telegram customer service. They always reply within a few hours.

Shipping and Delivery

Beautiful and captivating packaging, delivery always made on schedule, i.e. a week at most.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I hope that Driada maintains its quality for a long time to come, because in addition to earning an excellent name it is also establishing a high standard of quality.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 08/09/2023 - 20:31
Bahamut789's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I changed my products to driada labs from 6 months ago
I used testosterone enantate, primobolan deca and hgh
Very good quality, the best I know

Products, effectiveness and results

The quality is quite good, nice results (I have the same diet and training so I see an improvement with substances),
I am leaner and more muscular in a short period of time
No pip or pain at injecting so the oil is quite good.

Last cycle off season was :
500 mg testo enantzte weekly
200 mg deca weekly
350 mg primo weekly
4 ui hgh day

Customer service

Telegram messages are answered rapidly,
Everytime I've placed an order I used BTC payment and got a discount

Shipping and Delivery

The packaging is good and the delivery make 1 to 2 weeks(France) .

Price to performance
Additional comments

For the price the quality is the better I had know in the last 3 years I used peds

I recommend shopping here!
Navido's picture
My overall experience

hey first to me after a longer cruise with 250mg testo e from driada i have started a cure for 3 weeks,
i have been using driada for over a year now and have always been satisfied the products work as they should and you know exactly what is inside based on the laboratory test of the finished product and the raw material
My current treatment consists of 500mg testo cyp and 600mg drostanolone and since the 3 weeks the shape has improved again I'm nice and plump again through the testo and strength and mood have gone through the roof through the drosta (drosta is also my favorite roid).

Products, effectiveness and results

I have tried many driada products from testo e,c,p,drosta e and p,tren a and e,superdrol,cialis,nandrolone and everything worked perfectly.

Customer service

As soon as I ordered, I received an email from service and I never had to wait long for orders or problems.
There is always a direct link to tracking and when i habe Problems i write Them on Telegram and they help very fast , thanks for that!

Shipping and Delivery

There is always a direct link to tracking and the delivery to me in Germany never took more than 10 days.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
majdnm7's picture
My overall experience

I first heard about driada on a Hungarian bodybuilding blog after I decided to look for a reliable place. I received a lot of positive feedback about the products. In my previous orders, I have ordered sustanon, trenbolone enanthate, stanozolol, clenbuterol, clomid and tamoxifen..

Products, effectiveness and results

I have done 2 cycles of Driada products so far, the second one is still in progress. The first was sustanon 350mg/week, tren e 200mg/week for 10 weeks, and the second was sustanon 350mg/week, tren e 300mg/week, stanozolol 20mg/day and clenbuterol using the pyramid method for 7 weeks. At the moment I have taken everything else out of the cycle except sustanon.

350mg sustanon and 200mg tren for 10 weeks: my general well-being has improved a lot. Due to the long esters, the 4.-5. week I started to feel the effects, which are the ever-increasing strength and endurance. Even after 2.5 hours of training, I didn't want to stop, the energy really pushed me forward.
Obviously, I got very sweaty because of the tren, but I didn't have any problems with my sleep, there were no sleepless nights, stupid dreams, I didn't sweat during the night. I experienced a minimal increase in aggression, but almost none of the famous mental problems. Tren cough occasionally appeared.
With 300mg of tren, however, this changed a bit, I became much more aggressive, my libido was changing, but there was a lot of vasculature and even more strength. I gained 20-25 kg in bench press.
Sustanon 350mg: excellent libido and well being, energy increase, good sleep. I didn't have to use ai, no acne. No PIP at all.
My appetite in general hasn't really changed. I kept my weight at the same level, but my body structure was completely transformed. I lost fat and built lean muscle.

Customer service

I used the support service on Telegram, where I asked some personal questions about my cycle and pct, and I always received a quick and satisfactory answer.

Shipping and Delivery

Payment and ordering were extremely quick and easy. I paid by bank transfer, and I received the tracking number the next day. The packages always arrived in Hungary between 4-8 days.

Price to performance
Additional comments

The packaging of the products is very high quality, all the packages I ordered were discreetly packed, they were never damaged.
Overall, very high quality products at a very good price. I can only recommend

I recommend shopping here!
Robbish's picture
My overall experience

The 'last order with driada I purchased 2 vials of semaglutide to try to get back to a physical condition worthy of before.
Placing the order was very easy, paying by bank transfer. Very fast shipping: in 6 days I received everything at home, very fast.
Semaglutide really does what it promises. At first, after 1-2 days you feel the appetite very reduced. Following an 1800 kcal diet, I had difficulty eating, especially main meals like lunch, where I struggled to finish my 80 grams of rice.
The 2 mg semaglutide driada comes with a 1 ml vial of bacteriostatic water. After recombination, with an insulin injection, I took 0.25 of semaglutide 1 time a week. It is really the bomb. After 4 weeks you start to see the first results.... I have lost about 4 kg and the fat has visibly reduced.
There is no pip after the injection, there are no side effects except a strong reduction in appetite.
I will purchase semaglutide and other products on driada again.
Any problems or concerns just contact the support guys who will respond very quickly. Really super recommended

Products, effectiveness and results

Semaglutide 2 mg
Truly a bomb. You can feel it after 1-2 days and it reduces appetite a lot. Important for someone like me who wants to get back in shape and for those who are cutting back

Customer service

Just contact The guys on telegram and they will give answer in a short time

Shipping and Delivery

Excellent packaging. In 6 days I received my package in italy.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
gustavoluz95's picture
My overall experience

I've been buying from them for almost a year now, extremely high quality products and very fast shipping
gained a lot of muscle mass and I'm still going to gain it, at the moment I'm using defining
prop 200mg WEEK
clemb 10mg D

Products, effectiveness and results

extremely high quality products

Customer service

always available

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery and Packaging

Price to performance
Additional comments

very easy to buy and very safe

I recommend shopping here!
dejA9088's picture
My overall experience

I'm new to Driada so I don't have much to write about the experience. I am very satisfied with their product, I first saw their stuff on the site where I used to shop and I ordered Drua's products, when that site screwed me over twice, then by chance I found their site by googling, I ordered the first time and I am more than satisfied .
There is no pain and swelling after the injection, it does everything that testosterone should do. There is no acne, no problems.
I follow them as they develop and so far I think this is the most serious lab, people are doing tests and so far I haven't seen anything bad.
Next time there are mixed things to take and I am sure that it is of good quality and that I will get what I bought, which I can't say about some labs from the past.

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service

Fast and efficient.

Shipping and Delivery

A very pleasant surprise, the payment arrived in 2 days and I received the package in 7.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I keep coming back to them

I recommend shopping here!
eligioprete55's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I've basically started my fitness journey one year ago with Driada and my life has improved drammatically since that time. As soon as I managed to restart working out in a local gym after a long break that lasted three years, I ordered a bunch of testosterone just to bulk up and regain a bit of the lost muscle mass.

Products, effectiveness and results

I can't describe the high quality of Driada's products, I've tried in the past PEDs from an uncountable number of companies that gave me a lot of problems related to acne. With Driada instead, with both injectables and orals, I literally experienced zero acne, a skyrocketed libido and a tremendous boost in terms of energy. Size is probably doubled. Thanks to this sense of wellbeing I felt so great that I've been also able to give up smoking and vaping nicotine without suffering a bit!

Combining those compounds with a proper nutrition and an optimal training schedule I've noticed zero sides. I used testosterone, trenbolone, stanozolol, oxandrolone and drostanolone. I've chosen to blast and cruise and between one cycle and another blood tests were perfect.

The current cycle is the third one. The purpose is to cut a bit of fat in a 12 weeks run. These are the compounds and the relative quantities I'm using:
200 mg testo prop weekly
200 mg drostanolone prop weekly
350 mg trenbolone acetate weekly

I've added 0.25 mg cabergoline twice a week and the dopaminergic boost is really great, I feel it especially during workouts even with a large calorie deficit.

Customer service

Everytime I've placed an order I used BTC payment and got a 10% discount. For every problem with the transactions the customer service on telegram was always there, sometimes they accepted to ship even with less BTC sent. In terms of service I rate 10/10.

Shipping and Delivery

The packaging is good and the delivery here in Italy is in about 7 days. Never found anything faster than this with PEDs

Price to performance
Additional comments

I've fallen in love with Driada and I will never change no matter what.

I recommend shopping here!
kaworutk3's picture
My overall experience

I have been using Driada Steroids for a while now, and the overall experience has been excellent. One notable aspect is that I haven't experienced any side effects while using this product. It has positively impacted my energy levels, muscle gains, and workout performance without causing any adverse reactions.

In terms of how I feel, there have been some noticeable changes. I feel more energetic and driven during workouts, which is a positive effect. My strength and endurance have improved significantly, allowing me to lift heavier weights and push through challenging sets.

Regarding weight and size gain, I am pleased with the results. I have gained about 8 pounds of lean muscle mass, and my overall body size has increased noticeably. The muscle gains are evident and have helped me achieve my muscle-building goals.

Moreover, my appetite has increased, which has been beneficial for meeting my nutritional needs and supporting muscle growth.

As for body fat, I'm thrilled to report that I've seen a significant drop of 2% in my body fat levels during the usage of Driada Steroids. This reduction in body fat has further enhanced the definition and appearance of my muscles.

I have not experienced any post-injection pain (PIP) or acne breakouts, which is a relief as these side effects can be bothersome for some users.

In conclusion, my experience with Driada Steroids has been overwhelmingly positive. It has provided me with noticeable gains in muscle mass, improved workout performance, and increased energy levels, all without causing any side effects. I would highly recommend considering this product for those seeking muscle growth and enhanced workout performance while experiencing minimal side effects.

Products, effectiveness and results

Drostanolone, testosterone e, primabolan.

Customer service

Very good!

Shipping and Delivery

The shipping could be faster but it’s effective

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Beefym's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

ordered DHB And Test E for cutting, order was easy and quick. I paid by bank transfer, next day order has status packing another day I get tracking number, about one week latter a get my order.
Now runnig 400mg/week DHB And 250mg/week test, shot E3D. Now week 8 from 20. I starting see first results, big pumps, I am leaner (-12 cm belly, same weight), my streng Is better even on low carb diet. DHB from Driada working with no lethargy thanks to test. So definetly recommended Driada.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As I wrote i ordered DHB and test. I was worried about PIP from DHB, but Driada has 100mg/ml And i have absolutly zero PIP, also I mixing DHB with test in one shot. It take long time to kick in, i see first changes on body after six weeks, but Now... i am all day long pumped, starting get pretty shreded, my shoulders look like never before, big, round, 3d relief... I am Now in week 8/20 And I am very excited on end of cycle. Mood Is great, no lethargy, big libido And i have biger endurance. DHB from Driada Is great And i Will use it again in Future cycles

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great, they have telegram Chanel where you can write aby question And you Always get quick answer.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I payed order by bank transfer And next week i Have order at my home...

Price to performance
Additional comments

Driada has great And hight quality products that works, I Will order only there

I recommend shopping here!
daizushredz's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

My experience with driada:
Ordered tren and stanos from their site and i was really happy with the service and also that you got so much service delivered within telegram support and events on their channel like auctions or discounts. didn’t have any pip from their stuff and I was able to gain about 5kgs lean mass while cutting. So in the end I was bigger but lost fat.

Products, effectiveness and results

Tren & stanos was ordered and it felt like the tren was one of the best I’ve ever had. I was aggressive in the gym and I made insane progress. But I think the stuff I had before from other sources was underdosed because when I did the same dosage from driada tren I was like horny af and almost lost my relationship because of that haha. So all in all: the stuff was insanely potent !!!

Customer service

Customer service is very friendly and fast in answering on telegram.

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery took a bit longer than on other shops (I think it took 13 days or sth last time) but it was worth the wait because of the good quality and price.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Karim_Seiya's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Website is straightforward, easy payments in BTC and nice discounts on products, packaging is awesome and the quality is good, never had pip (just when i failed injections), results are pretty good, my body had a dramatic change since january, shipping is fast as hell, i just ordered again a week ago and today it’s already delivering at my door

Products, effectiveness and results

I’ve used their superdrol, mk677, test E, Tren E, Deca, Aromasin and i must say that i had all the desired results, idk if mk677 was good tho cause i just used 10mg a day, but felt a lil lethargic and couldn’t eat much, maybe bad response

Customer service

Everything easy and straightforward, never had to contact customer service

Shipping and Delivery

Pretty anonymous box and the packaging in itself it’s cool as hell

Price to performance
Additional comments

I would give it a 10 out of 10 just for the promos alone

I recommend shopping here!
MehAs87's picture
My overall experience

I ordered multiple times (i think 6 times) from Driadashop in the past year. Since sourcing 3 cycles i did and the results always have been very good. Good products, good service and relatively fast delivery.

Products, effectiveness and results

Very good quality

I gained 6kg of fat free mass my last cycle with Cypolos (Test Cyp) at only 150mg/week with 60mg of Anavaros/day.

Customer service

Great service on multiple platforms.

Shipping and Delivery

Relatively fast delivery within a week considered it's a distance of +2000km and 4 countries in between.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 08/02/2023 - 10:55
antomanfer's picture
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Tren113's picture
My overall experience

I have had an outstanding overall experience with Driada Medical products. From the moment I started using their products, I was immediately impressed with their quality and effectiveness. The ordering process has been hassle-free, and their support team on Telegram has always been helpful and responsive. Joining Driada on Telegram has been a great decision, as I have been able to take advantage of their regular promotions and even participate in their money-saving bidding auction. Overall, my experience with Driada has been excellent.

Products, effectiveness and results

The quality of Driada Medical products is exceptional. I have tested several of their products, including NPP, Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Cypionate, Sustanon, Boldenone, and Trenbolone Acetate, and I have been consistently impressed with the results. Not only have their products been highly effective, but I have also experienced minimal discomfort or pain after injection compared to other manufacturers. The quality of Driada's products is definitely top-notch, and I have complete confidence in their effectiveness.

Customer service

Driada Medical's customer service has been outstanding. Their support team on Telegram has always been prompt, helpful, and knowledgeable. Whenever I had questions or needed assistance, they were quick to respond and provided me with the information I needed. The level of customer service they offer is commendable, and it has significantly contributed to my positive experience with Driada.

Shipping and Delivery

The delivery process of Driada Medical products has been reliable and efficient. After placing an order, I typically receive a confirmation email within a few days, along with a tracking link. The average delivery time in Germany has been around 10-14 days, which is reasonable. I appreciate the attention to detail in their packaging, ensuring that the products arrive safely and securely. I have never encountered any issues with the delivery or packaging of Driada's products.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
giovsss's picture
My overall experience

my first contact with driada was through my gymbro who started talking to me all the time better given the effects he was experiencing day by day.through driada I bought:testosterone enanthate/cypionate, oral winstrol, superdrol, aromasin and nolvadex. payment is simpler than I would have expected, via an instant transfer to an iban address it is sent directly by driada itself via email.
I didn't need assistance from driada regarding the payment because it is a fairly intuitive and simple process, but for each just in case, there is the appropriate support service to help the user with the payment.shipping is generally two weeks or so given this type of merchandise and also the Parcel arrives well packaged and undamaged.
for the entire period with which I ordered on driada I've never come across problems holding the package by customs, but if it does,on the driada website there is all the necessary information to have the ordered package sent back to driada at no cost to the user.
I'm on week 3 of my current cycle which is 500mg testosterone enanthate per week for 12 weeks (splitted into two 250mg injections per week), 20mg of superdrol per day for 8 weeks and 0.5mg of arimidex each 2 days. as a pct I plan to do 1000iu of hcg per week for the last 5 weeks of my cycle, while instead at completely detached dosages I will use nolvadex and clomid. already from the first week I felt very well: the desire to train is always there, the loads have already increased and I'm even starting to notice muscle growth.
my sense of hunger has reduced because of the superdrol, but it's good because I'm on a phase of cut. the only negative effects i experienced was increased anger and also slight acne formation on my body, but nothing exaggerated. I didn't find any other negative effect: no PIP, and, besides, I sleep better than before. the libido also had a change: already with testosterone alone it was high, but with the inclusion of the superdrol has increased even more.driada is proving to be very valid, both for the products it offers to its customers and for the quality service it offers

Products, effectiveness and results

really good quality of the compounds and the doses reflect those declared

Customer service

awesome, quick and professional

Shipping and Delivery

it arrives max in 2 weeks and safe

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 07/12/2023 - 20:46
Sunnyboy202020's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Hello driada I've started anavar from driada and dhb from driada 8 weeks ago last week I finished my anavar cycle I'm now on dhb and testosteron 200mg per week I had a very great pump on dhb test and anavar I've taken anavar 20 to 30 mg daily the focus in gym was very good . I had minimal increase in libido and appetit with dhb test anavar but I think I dont feel libido high because I'm on test since February .had on test dhb and anavar many hours even after workout noticeable pump since I no longer take only dhb and test the pump has improved minimized but only a little bit I had great feeling ,good wellbeing good workout on dhb anavar test I lost I think 5 kg and just look little more leaner and gained little bit muscle but u can see the change before 8weeks And now I'm happy with result. I've must say I've taken telmisartan 20mg per day for cholesterol support and blood pressure support it works good .I think telmisartan helps too with weightloss and it give me little bit energy like cardarine.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Laboratorie analyzed supplement. Not underdosed very good

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

They answer very quick and friendly

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Quick arrived quicker than expected., I think from 7 day quickest shipping .any order was arrived about 9 days

Price to performance
Additional comments

I buy driada because it's very good quality

I recommend shopping here!
Pav666's picture
My overall experience

I was sceptical about ordering from Driada as their gear was one of the cheapest, kudos!
First time ordering from Driada April 30th of 2023.
Ordered: tren ace, test prop.
Fast payment process via internet banking got my tracking number after few hours, order came within 5 working days, Kudos!
Now I’m 8 weeks into this cycle at 100mg of test and 100 mg of tren EOD.
I fucked up my body with not having a test as base before but test from driada fixed it really fast and was able to “preform” tren is one of the strongest I have tried, insomnia and sweats are on point.

Products, effectiveness and results

Tren, test and arimdyn.

Great lean mass coming on every week, loving the results, just proves that it’s not junk.

Customer service

Always pleasure to deal with their customer services, always helpful. Easy to order website.

Shipping and Delivery

5 working days after payment was sent, stealthy packaging, never missing.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Thank you for the support and great telegram group.

I recommend shopping here!
FOXbuilder's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Still very good. I ordered multiple times. This time I only ordered anavar during the driada promo.
The anavar is legit and it works well.
No side effects. The ordering process went well as always.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The Quality of the anavar is great. Good strength gains and no side effects. This is also reflected in the various lab tests.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As always good. Quick respons on messages. Placing a order via the site and payment in BTC is easy.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Fast shipment within 1-2 weeks in good state.

Price to performance
Additional comments

No 1 source!

I recommend shopping here!
ShZ's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I've ordered now almost 10 times from Driada and I've been very satisfied with every single order so far. This review is for the promo I took part in a couple weeks ago and it included:
- Test E
- Tren E
- Drost E
- Deca
- MK-677
- Cialis
- Telmisartan
- Anadrol

They even included a vial of Melanotan II as a free gift. They mistakenly shipped 2 packages Anadrol instead of 2 vials Test Undecanoate probably because of the similar name (Andriolos), but since their Anadrol is worth more and I wanted to try it some day anyway, I didn't see it as a problem.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As I've been on over a gram of AAS/'week now for almost half a year, one can't expect huge jumps in weight or strength at this point anymore. Everything I've ordered with this promo I was already running beforehand (except the Anadrol) and all their products have worked great in the past and still work to this point. I'm currently running 250mg Test E, 200mg Deca, 100mg Tren E and 100mg Drost E every 3 days with 50mg Anadrol pre workout and 20mg MK-677 every day divided into the morning and evening and to be honest I haven't been this big in years! Apart from slightly elevated blood pressure and sore nipples from time to time, I also never felt this good and healthy on that amount of gear. Also never had any PIP.

Obviously it's hard to pinpoint what comes from what when you're running so many different compounds at the same time but something's clearly working. I've put on about 30 pounds of muscle during the last 6 months using only products from Driada and lost over 5% of body fat. I'm not making as much progress as in the beginning of the year but my pumps are still great, my veins are popping and I continue to make small and steady gains in weight and strength.

Their Melanotan II, Cialis and Telmisartan are also still doing their job. 2mg Melanotan II per week is all it takes to keep me tanned at this time of the year and 10mg Cialis with 20mg Telmisartan per day is enough to drop my blood pressure down into the healthy range.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

They always respond very quickly, nothing to complain

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My order arrived in less than a week after placing the order in Germany and it was packed very discreetly.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Driada is definitly the best EU based supplier for PEDs I know at the moment and all of their products are fairly priced

I recommend shopping here!
hamd19's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very satisfied in general, good quality of products, fair price, discreet and fast delivery, good customer support and very interesting offers such as product of the week, happy hours, auctions and discounts.
My latest order was placed during the huge summer sale where I’ve 50% off. It was a very good deal.
I have bought sufficient quantity of Hgh fragment, primo, masteron, anavar, femara, tren acetate and masteron prop.
All of these were part of my summer cycle + prep for a regional contest.
I’ve added them to test prop, mgf and hgh that i’ve bought in my previous order from Driada.
The products have a good effect on me, I’ve got leaner much faster even while keeping a consistent carb daily intake.
I’ve a built a good muscle quality with just a little water retention.
The fragment has helped me a lot to get that extra shred that can’t be reached with common drugs.
Until now i have no side effects, perhaps because i take small quantities idk. I also take femara 3x a week to avoid gino.
All in all I’m very satisfied and I strongly recommend Driada.
I’m gonna place an order for hgh and some mgf this week

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The products are definitely qualitative as you’ll witness results very soon. A good thing about Driada is that they always do test and blind test. They also encourage customers to test their products and reward you with a voucher.
The products have a good effect on me, I’ve got leaner much faster even while keeping a consistent carb daily intake.
I’ve a built a good muscle quality with just a little water retention.
The fragment has helped me a lot to get that extra shred that can’t be reached with common drugs.
Until now i have no side effects, perhaps because i take small quantities idk. I also take femara 3x a week to avoid gino.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Awesome. Always available through telegram, very arranging and reward you coupons and offers weekly.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very discreet, delivered on time. One of the fastest I’ve seen in Europe. A good thing is that we don’t have to worry about customs as it’s delivered within the EU.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Excellent price to quality ratio. Top!

I recommend shopping here!
BnC_Cupple's picture
My overall experience

This source is now my number 1 source since i discovered it some weeks after they opened up.
They have many promos, votes for weekly 50% off products and they do an auction every Sunday where you can stuff cheaper than usuall (if u lucky and noone outbids you). They post labs for many of their products and pay you a big chunk back if you do blind testing and if there is a charge that was bad they are open about it post it big on their site and do not try to hide it.
They are cheap compared to other high ranking sources and still have top quality stuff.
My order from 4 months ago (Feb 23) was:
Sustalad 250 mg/ml (Sustanon)
Testos 250 mg/ml (Testosterone Enanthate)
Yohimbinos (Yohimbine Hydrochloride)
Sartanos 20mg (Telmisartan)
HCG 5000iu (Human chorionic gonadotropin)
Clenbutos 40 mcg (Clenbuterol)
Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate)
Propios 100 mg/ml (Testosterone Propionate)
Trenacetos 100 mg/ml (Trenbolone Acetate)
Nanphenylos 100 mg/ml (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate)

Products, effectiveness and results

Sustalad 250 mg/ml (Sustanon): worked like a charm could fell it the next day cause of the short acting ester i had 0 Pip but I got bad acne (I think of the long ester test in there?) so i dropped it after like 7-8 weeks and switched to Test E
Testos 250 mg/ml (Testosterone Enanthate): what should I say much to this it is Test E after the switch from Sustanon my acne got better after like 2-3 weeks not gone till now but waaaay better. I have 0 Pip with Im injections and now i cruise on a low dose subq and I have problems with that aswell
Yohimbinos (Yohimbine Hydrochloride) That stuff is not for everyone I mean it works I took it on an empty stomach in the morning to do some cardio and my heart was racing but for me it was too much and it lastet like 1-2 hours even just laying down I could feel my heart pounding. So it is working but just too good for me haha
Clenbutos 40 mcg (Clenbuterol) I love clen for losing some weight cause I dont have many bad sides. The worst is the hand shaking cause if I want to inject after taking clen it is really hard to keep steady. My mouth gets dry but not to bad I can feel my heart racing but not that much that is scares my like on Yohimbine HCL. So yeah Clen is working like a charm for me
Sartanos 20mg (Telmisartan) I never tought I would need something for my blood presure but on my last blast I noticed that I got higher and I dont want to stress my body with this on the long run with 40mg Telmisartan I have my blood presure back in range and I have 0 sides from it after like 2 months now
Trenacetos 100 mg/ml (Trenbolone Acetate) This was my second time Tren but first time from Driada and boy this was good I used it daily had 0 Pip and just got stronger from week to week. My mental was not effected so much just thought all people in the gym are weaker than me and Iam better than all these nattys. I was like always hungry but i can controll myself very good could be a problem for other people that cant controll theirself.
Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) Masteron is one of my most favourite. Im always in a good mood and it boosts my sexdrive. The Pip is 0 again. I have little to no sides cause I think some of the acne is from Masteron too but im not 100% sure cause it could be from all of the stuff im injecting. My hair is not affected at all but my bloodpresure a little

So for me all of the products Im using right now are top quality have 0 Pip and the sides are easy manageable

Customer service

The Customer serives is one of the best I got so far. Most of the time a reply in under 12 hours they are always polite but I never had a problem only some questions about the shipping that they answered fast.
Ordering process is easy and well explained and you can get 10% off (even if you buy something that is on sale) if you pay with crypto so this is what I always do.

Shipping and Delivery

They say for EU it is 5-14 days sometimes i get it after 10 days sometimes it takes 15 but that is not their fault.
Packing is the best I saw till now wrapped in bubblefoil so nothing gets damaged and so many layers even if the package is damaged noone could ever see what is inside. They provide a tracking number the day after paying and if ur package get seized (what never happend to me ) they will send your order again for free.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Very new but one of the best Sources for the EU with good prices and top quality. I will spend a lot of money with them

I recommend shopping here!
julesrules's picture
My overall experience

This was one of my favorite sites in the past. They have legit, quality products. Unfortunately, it looks like they no longer send items to the USA, as they would get seized way too often.

Products, effectiveness and results

Their Tren Acetate was amazing. Zero pip and huge gains, as expected.
Their TRT products never gave me any issues with PIP either, which I normally get from about half of the products I've used by other vendors.

Customer service

Ordering process was easy. They have a very easy to navigate site. Any questions I had they answered.

Shipping and Delivery

I love how different their packaging is, not that it is all that important, but most of the gear from other sites is in very nondescript packaging. Their shipping times were very good too, especially as they were shipping from overseas.

Price to performance
Additional comments

If I was still able to order from this site I definitely would. They have great products and constantly have decent promos going on. I just wish they still shipped to the USA.

I recommend shopping here!
expylon's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Really cool packaging, cheap prices, crypto payment discount, bank transfer, website/telegram promos, shorter delivery times and very important, almost no risk of customs since it comes from inside EU borders.

So i decided to get some stuff from them, the test ampoules look epic and come in a very nice package. Same for the vial. They have the right amount of liquid and they give you 0 pip.

I also tried their turinabol and blind tested it, was properly dosed.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The usual benefits from testosterone, i do 250mg with test right now but still its enough to kill it when working out. I sweat like a bastard but im always like that, in exchange i get good endurance to finish workouts and a decent push when lifting.

Turinabol spikes my blood pressure but if i dose it low (30mg) i can get away with it while still being a good complement to testosterone.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I contact them on telegram and they answer in 24 hours maximum.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery without customs, on discreet packaging and a lot of bubble wrap.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Overall very happy, im sure they will rise up the ranks here.

I have technical problems uploading the blind test here, but check my profile theres a picture of it.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 06/12/2023 - 15:06
Bull88Dog's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have tried several products from this laboratory and I am really happy with the results.
Hgh: You can tell that they are of good quality because after the second week you start to notice the results of a thinner skin and better muscle quality.
Tren Acetate 100 mg: the effects are immediate from the first day... more pump, more sweating, fat burning increases by the day.
Testo Enanthate: the effects you can expect from a testosterone, increased libido and strength.
Masteron Enanthate: Positive effects from the beginning...less water retention...more skin tone...more vascularity...it's been a great help for me.
Clenbuterol: I take it in the morning on an empty stomach and I notice a faster metabolism...I sweat more...and I increase my caloric expenditure.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The quality of the products is very good, they care a lot about the packaging and the boxes, logos and others.
Besides the oils can be mixed very well and are used quite gently, with little pain.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The shipping is good, they send you a tracking number so you know at all times where the package is and the state it is in.
Manufacturing times to Spain are on average between 1 week and 10 days.
At all times you know the status of your shipment.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Shipping has a standard delivery time.
It is not very fast but it does not take too long.
Everything is correct.

Price to performance
Additional comments

This is a laboratory with a very good quality and a very affordable price, I will continue to make my orders here on a regular basis, as I have tried almost all products including Gh and have great quality.

Also a very good website and payment facilities for customers.

They provide you with tracking number and everything in detail. One of the best laboratories today without a doubt.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 06/06/2023 - 06:41
nic's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is the third time I order Driada. I have already explained in the previous feedback, how comfortable
I am with this company. This time I decided to go one step further, as I haven't had any side effects before.
The products are these:
1) Enanthate text
2) clenbutos
3) Anavaros
4) Stanos
5) Provironus
6) Melanotan2
7) Cialyn
8) Nolvados
9) JC 1295
10) Arolmalyn
For now I have only used a few products, only 5.
For the first 10 weeks I did 250 test x2 per week 100 first x 2 weeks. From the 2nd to the 3rd month, I added 40mg of clen as I was hoping to lose some weight.
I lost a little weight but I must say that I also ate a lot and it is known that if you are not in a deficit, fat does not burn. From the 6th to the 8th month, I added 20mg of Oxa per day.
Now for the last 2 months I've been on a diet and have added 20mg of Stanos and 40mg of Clenbutos per day.
The dosages were low especially those of Primos and Anavaros, but I can guarantee you that they did me good together with the text. I have increased in Weight, Volume and Strength.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

There is no doubt that the products are good, but not for my results or for the analyzes published on the site made by anonymous users. What prompted me to continue was also a Youtube video where a personal trainer analyzed Oxandrolone Driada with a roid test bought on the internet and, also the analysis posted on this video says that Oxandrolone was over 75 % which as we know is one of the most counterfeited molecules.
I have seen the effectiveness in the gym. When you get under the barbell and can push with more weight, eating the same things, it means that there is something in you that pushes you further. I have become much stronger and bigger than before.
The results are very good indeed. It's true that you can take substances, but if you don't push yourself to the gym it's useless. I hustled and went from 72.6kg to 78.1kg.
I put on 5 if not 10 pounds of dirty muscles, but I'm no less than 3/4 clean in 8 weeks.
With the same order I also bought other products as you can see. Some, to protect health. In my opinion, anyone starting a cycle should always have Tamoxifen and Exmestane and Proviron on hand. Other products I will try them in a few months and I will tell you how they work with a new review
I'm really happy

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer support is really very good, there are several telegram channels in which you are assisted for any eventuality. It's very convenient this way because doing things you can go wrong. For example, I was unable to pay in bitcoin with my Crypto app and they helped me.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Shipping and delivery is very good indeed. Immediately after the payment you receive the tracking (usually a couple of days) and the package arrives anonymously between 14 and 20 days. I don't think you can ask for more.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I am seeing that Driada is also evolving with new products. This pleases me. Finding a company that supplies quality products in such a difficult market is fortunate. I have also used other products from other brands but I must honestly say that I had some small problems. That didn't happen with Driada. Now if I've become better at managing my cycle or if the products make a difference I don't care. I am happy with it and will buy Driada again, which I am also recommending to my friends.

I recommend shopping here!
TBF's picture
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

1st Time !

In my country this source has good reviews.

I try too, and i Can say they are good

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Mk 677 : never drowsy for me but I like this feeling of hunger all day long. 10mg at breakfast and 10mg at lunch

Cialis : only 10mg, strong !!!

Viagra : i prefer Cialis, less side effects than viagra. But viagra is viagra. More pump, more full in the bed and i Can feeling hours laters at the gym

Telmisartan : 40mg for me, i Can control my BP and my HTC. BP IS ok with driada telmisartan

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Easy to order.

No problem

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

5 days to Come !

Very fast

Price to performance
Additional comments

Good products, fast délivery, New products...

Very good

I recommend shopping here!
Sunnyboy202020's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I finished my testosteron cypionat and I'm very satisfied, i had tried sustanon and testosteron-e from driada before and that was great too .with sustanon tiny pip but that's not worth mentioning I had injected test-cypionat every 3 days 250mg that was clearly noticable: strong libido , big appetite , super well-being, noticeable pump but also use agmatin 1000mg pre workout but I get from testosteron pump too.im rather less aggressive from testosteron even at 500mg a week . I did 500mg per week for about 8 weeks then I'm on 125mg every 2days to see how I feel on different dosage and different injection interval.i consumed ped's first time 2020.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The cypionat its very easy to inject but for me enenthat from driada also very easy to inject.i heard testosteron enentat from driada it's with grapeseed oil and testosteron cypionat with peanut oil for me all two very good no problems.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very quick responding very friendly .always positive

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

For me it's very good my package all arrived .about little bit more then 1week

Price to performance
Additional comments

That's really good that so source like driada exist.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 04/23/2023 - 11:56