dfs's picture
dfs 71


category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 1 Quality 100% 1 Delivery 100% 1 Service 100% 1 Pricing 100% 1
Maxyy's picture
My overall experience

First and last Order!
This guy wan´t only money for Fake products!
Please stay away and don´t order they, because this products damage your health...
I have the confirm that this products are Ineffective and Fakes with zero content.
This guy can only send his Fake products, but he CAN´T sales real products.

Products, effectiveness and results

-Testo E Norma Hellas
-Testoviron Bayer(Thai withe label)
-Clomid Anfarm

Customer service

Fast and short mails.

Shipping and Delivery

Discret package

Price to performance
Additional comments


I do not recommend shopping here!
Roby88's picture
My overall experience

This shop have a fast delivery tlime, but he sales only Fake products!
I have bad experience with roids, because the effect was zero and it caused depressions.
Please stay away from this Fake products and don´t order there.

Products, effectiveness and results

Testoviron Bayer (clearly Ampuoles)
Testosteron Galenika

Customer service

Fast response, but its normaly because they sales Fakes products (with zero effect)

Shipping and Delivery

I have examinate this products, and I´m sure that there are Fakes.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Stay away!

I do not recommend shopping here!
Sameer Baghwat's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Was a first test order. Everything was very good. Good communication, no further Problems

Products, effectiveness and results

10 Alpha Pharma Testobolin
21 Alpha Pharma Parabolin

Customer service

Very good communication! Parabolin was not stocked enough, they offered me B.M. Parabol instead. So got 9 Vial B.M. Parabol and 12 Vial Alpha Pharma Parabolin.

Shipping and Delivery

Packing was nice and discreet!

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
dave1246's picture
My overall experience

lost 200€ on them!! Dont order there

Products, effectiveness and results

testo e
trenbo e

Customer service


Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
headhunter00's picture
My overall experience

Ordered and payed. Only problems with them, they worte that they don´t got the money....

Products, effectiveness and results

Testo depot

Customer service

First they worte fast back and now im waiting for the answer

Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
Andre Glaser's picture
My overall experience

I orderded varios times, cheap prices, have a good comunication over email

Products, effectiveness and results

Primox - Biosira
Rapidex -Biosira
Deca -

Customer service

good comunication
good prices

Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Tux34000's picture
My overall experience

-commande reçue en 10 jours, bonne communication par mail, produits dans leurs boites

-order received in 10 days, good email communication, products in their boxes

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
white.buffalo's picture
My overall experience

I ordered, gears, Us Pharmatech, organon and russian d-bols Akrikin. perfectly legitimate and genuine! Orders shipped within a few days and in my hands in 8 days, very good package and tightly wound. good customer service, I received a response almost immediately! This guy looks very professional!

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
vinny_panacea's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

great source! great communication! very fast shipping! Only positive feedback! I'll order asap...

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
Bmt's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Gear delivered.. All looks legit..Good communication.. Will advise of results as project begins! GTG!!Well Done!

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
Bmt's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Placed order, funds picked up and shipment made today. Will keep posted as gear is received. Looking forward to being able to provide positive feedback!

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
arvis0411's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

they're ok, i bought from this webpage deca durabolin, sustanon and danabol. delivery to london tooked 6 days. i will order and the next time.

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
dziak's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

i tried them few times, ordered winstrol, primobolan, test prop, akhrihin methandienone, syringes, everything ok, cheap prices, good stuff.

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
baddog's picture
My overall experience

tried him out a few months ago, just one box of nolvadex, took 12 days to U.S Emailed him with a couple questions, got back to me pretty fast. seemed like a cool dude!

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
My overall experience

have anybody buy from this webpage?the prices are cheap,for example,Dianabol Aikirin the price is low comparate with other.I want to do a first order,but I dont want to lost my money

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments