eighty7's picture
eighty7 1438


category count / average (6 months)
Overall 98.4% 50 Quality 98.8% 50 Delivery 95.6% 50 Service 99.2% 50 Pricing 98.8% 50
LegitGets's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I've ordered twice from 87 so far and each time the delivery was fast ,within a week. I starred lifting again after a very long time off 10 months ago. My experience with 87s gear has been pleasant. Saw the biggest gains with this source so I'm really happy.

Products, effectiveness and results

Test E x 13
Sustanon x2
Deca x2
Dhb x1
I think that's it.

Customer service

Ordering process was smooth no problems.
Did I mention the prices , best around hands down.

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery was fast, packaging discrete.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I gained 10 lbs pretty lean on this deca and test run. Seems to be staying on if even half stays ill be happy. I will always be looking thru 87s products from now on. Homeboy Is Legit son.

I recommend shopping here!
Jrambone31's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Absolutely great ive oreder several time the last order was put in on 22 and arrived yesterday. Last order i got i was short on item i was replaced within day with more than ordered also in the past i have been giving extras with every order so i didnt even care your always taken care of when shopping here

Products, effectiveness and results

Top notch overdosed only on 75mg test e e3d and it feels like Twice that will get bloods soon. Carrier oil top notch ive been on for 10 years i know good sauce. I did get some var this time so ill review that shortly.

Customer service

Emails always answered that day or next day. Last oreder was put in monday it was in the mailbox that friday. These mfers mean business. No bs.

Shipping and Delivery

Right on time everytime. 3 to 5 day to mail box from when u send your coin.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Some of the best in the game and definitely the fastest no doubt. Quality, customer service, speed , and consistency whatmore could you want?

I recommend shopping here!
sergioaguilera510's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

I placed two orders with this website and both arrived incredibly fast without any issues. The quality of the product is top-notch leaving me feeling better than ever. The delivery and packaging were flawless showing great care. Definitely will be ordering again soon.

Products, effectiveness and results

Anavar 50 × 2
Nolvadex × 2 $
Testosterone Sustanon × 2
Testosterone Cypionate × 6
Test E x1
This source is probably the best source has the best quality

Customer service
<p>Great customer service only had to reach out once to get a tracking number, but honestly didn't need it. It came extremely fast.</p>
Shipping and Delivery

My package was handled with care. Everything seems packed together nicely.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Can't waitI will be ordering soon for my next cycle

I recommend shopping here!
CoryMorpheus's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

My Overall Experience W Pure A

I started working out again 6 months ago regularly again after barely surviving the “C Thing”…

Spent a month in the ICU and only survived the abuse because my heart is extra strong after being a weightlifter/cycle racer since my early teens. It’s still unbelievable I could come back from that. (Dex, blood thinners and Colchesine saved me from being permanently disabled)

Ever since - my blood panels show a lot of low numbers.

Extra frustrating since I’ve been at the top athletically all of my life (competed all around as a gymnast) and for the first time in my life it’s been a HUGE challenge to exercise, bike, and lift.

My energy changed instantly when I traveled to Mexico and I picked up 180mcg of Test.

When your organs aren’t working properly, and you aren’t digesting food and creating normal levels of T – what I experienced was dramatic.

I slept like a baby for the first time since I got the “C Thing” and felt completely refreshed upon waking up. It was a night and day change in energy and cognitive abilities.

Of course I wanted to continue the healing and progress...

So I chatted with my two doctors and got online to find better products and hopefully save money. I'm glad I found Eroids.

Products, effectiveness and results

Products, Effectiveness & Results

I ordered from Pure A in March and got everything 6 days later.
Test E, Deca, Anavar, Winstrol & Clomid.

I was sold on the fact they use MCT oil, versus the typical seed oils most of big pharma is suspending their meds in.

I did notice less PIP with the MCT oil. (even with 2mg - 25gauge needle)

Taking 300mcg Test E and 300mcg Deca weekly.

And was taking 1mg Anastrozole and 20mg Clomid daily.

After feeling extra joint soreness – this week I’m thinking to decrease to .25 Anastrozole and 5mg Clomid 2x a week as I don’t seem to convert much. (Love feedback from any experts on this)

I took 25mg of Winstrol for the first time this morning and whipped out 200 burpees in a row. My normal was 300 in 40 minutes in good form – but it’s felt like torture to do burpees since I got the “C Thing” UNTIL TODAY.

Sure makes a difference to have the hormones kicked up a notch.

Customer service

(My order arrived in 6 days)

Shipping and Delivery

(Packed well)

Price to performance
Additional comments

(I absolutely recommend shopping here!)

I recommend shopping here!
  • Akid773 » Sounds great! But also rather than dropping the AI, why not lower or remove Winstrol? It’s known to cause stiff joints.
  • CoryMorpheus » I've had Winstrol 3 Days now and it did lower my joint stiffness go figure. My joints felt stiffness for the first time in my life after starting 1mg Anastrozol and 20mg Clomid not at all when I took Test E for a month with nothing else. After 25mg of Winstrol I felt more energy and did 200 burpees and was comfortable with the output. I'm sore from it still though but I also did a 20 miler where I pushed myself on the bike the next day. Felt a bit more lethargic on 1mg a day which seems to be related to seriously low estrogens from the reading I'm doing. Just read these two books yesterday: Daniel Duchaine Underground Steroid Handbook II 98 Daniel Duchaine - Underground Body Opus354 Finishing up this book today: William Llewellyn's Anabolics, 2017 11th Ed 832 Just downloaded this book: Timotheus Ray The Testosterone Advantage 405 As there is so much to this topic - I'd love to hear the books/resources you'd recommend...
Infinit's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Excellent, have ordered test cyp on three different occasions now, recently placed an order for a third time + deca. I referred a friend of mine as well who is now running a cycle.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Test cyp, 550mg/wk, steady gains in strength and size.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordering process is smooth and functional.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Secure and discreet.

Price to performance
Additional comments

If you're domestic US no need to search further.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 04/26/2024 - 21:54
BeefyB's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I’ve ordered 3 times from these guys over the last 1.5 months, everything has been correct each time & comes within 4-6 days.

Test E, C, Sust

Products, effectiveness and results

Previously was using 1c of BOS-lab E, ran out, switched to this.

I can’t speak to the results as of yet, I just pinned 1x C of the E300 (25g 1inch)

Oil is a bit thicker than previous test I’ve used
1 day post Injection- zero injection pain, very slight soreness in glute- 1-10 scale, 1-1.5

Will update with bloodwork in 3/4 weeks

Customer service

As advertised.

Ordered, received confirmation & instructions, followed & was good to go.

Quick, easy, didn’t need to communicate outside of normal directions

Shipping and Delivery

Packaged well, no issues

Price to performance
Additional comments

I’ve been around this industry for the better part of 12 years, I’ve used: Genesis, Genesys, IP, BD, BOS, PARA, Geneza, Balkan, Scioroxx, Axio, Platinum, Ultima, the list goes on… I’ve also ordered from 3-4 of the top us domestic supplies, just to see.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 04/22/2024 - 14:46
  • Ranger3252 » Are you talking about the original IP? That was good fucking gear until he got busted.
  • BeefyB » Yes! I remember the tiny, hard as rock circle tabs, thinking how is this 50mg??? Feels like forever ago --
  • Ranger3252 » Man that was forever ago if feels like. Hellraiser was a supermod on SF and was actually IP. Bringing back memories my friend. Those tabs would get stuck in my throat lol.
  • BeefyB » LOL. I remember losing them as they shot across the room trying to split them. Probably dating myself here, but do you remember the old “stealth” gear, that would come in a ketchup packet and you’d need to draw / bottle it yourself? Lol
  • Ranger3252 » Lmao yes I remember that shit. Dear lord I could talk for hours about old sources. I do miss Icarus, not sure if you ever ran his gear, but he was a private source that only operated every three months 4 times a year. Also my favorite was Wicked before he got busted. Wicked ran an auction once and I won around 9000 dollars worth of gear for 3500. It came to my house in one of those long fishing pole packages. How I never got busted is beyond me. There were holes in the package and you could see right inside of it with 400 vials of gear. Jesus Christ I let that pack sit on my porch for two weeks.
banner321's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

iv been using eroids since like 2012 lol. iv ordered almost a dozen times its one of the top places for the money.
test c
test e
tren a

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

testC labs went from 330 to 1200 on 400-600mg a week.
sus 300- same labs are good.
Tren only ran 4-5 weeks didn't run it properly but the anger and homophobic activity ahah was there lol strength also thru the roof on a cut phase. no doubt it's legit
anadrol- buddy said it was great
Cialis. it may just be me but it worked at the beginning but ill take 3 and I feel the effect but nothing down there. I am prescribed viagra. I have other people who have used it and with 2 pills it works great.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

always great. had a order that didn't fully ship no questions were asked and it was taken care of. usually 3-5 days.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

3-5 day turn around.

Price to performance
Additional comments

everyone who has tried this gear has loved it and has had 0 complaints. from pro people to novice. can't get better for the money.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 04/21/2024 - 18:26
  • Johnnyboy1 » Bro, you’re on 400 or 600mg which is it? How are your levels so low with that much a week? You should be getting 1200 from doing about 250mg weekly.
  • AK80 » Sounds like you need to get your estrogen levels checked then if the pills ain't working down there anymore for you. Estrogen is needed to grow, but too much or too little can cause issues.
  • CoryMorpheus » On page 136 of Jay Campbell's Testosterone Optimization 602 page book - he says, "The biggest determinant that your Estradiol levels are out of balance is problems with your erectile strength." On page 138 Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy recommends that "estradiol should be kept below 80 pg/mL." Jay thinks the narrow range and proper amount of estradiol should best be determined by how a patient feels, along with qualitative symptoms. Lots to know on this topic - as the symptoms of erectile dysfunction can manifest when you are too high or low. Plus other hormones play a role as well. Hopefully, this adds to the conversation. I I just read several books on Hormones and Jay's Book is the most understandable and helpful so far.
  • Chad P » Homophobic activity? Do tell more….
69repmax's picture
My overall experience

ordering was easy. everything arrived in less than a week
3 cialis were thrown in free.

Products, effectiveness and results

the cialis thrown in free was the weakest ive ever used. if there was 3mg of actual cialis in it id be surprised
i ordered a handful of things but will only review what ive used and tested.

The VAR i ordered tested negative for anavar. I used roidtest. My girl took half a pill for 4 weeks and noticed no change physically or mentally which is why we bought the roidtest.

The test E has terrible PIP and leaves the injection site swollen and sore for many days. I have been doing this for many years and I know how to pin.
The test C seems to work fine, Ive been using it for 4-5 weeks now but only at 1/2 cc so its hard to comment on potency. No PIP or other issues with it.
I also have the regular var and some winstrol that i havent used yet. hopefully that is legit. I have my doubts on the var though.
Labels are cheap, they look like mailing labels and the ink smears off easily,

Customer service

nice polite and fast to respond on here.

Shipping and Delivery

well packaged. no issues

Price to performance
Additional comments
I do not recommend shopping here!
edited 04/19/2024 - 21:56
  • AK80 » Labels on bottles don't matter, but your negative 9 karma does...
  • Ranger3252 » I was curious to prove you wrong about the VAR. I popped open the 50 mg 4 days ago. Needless to say the Var is 100% legit Even coming off a cycle my veins 4 days of using the Anavar is insane. This may sound weird but legit var (no other compound does this) gives me nose bleeds and it’s not my blood pressures. I’ve always had this happen to me with real Anavar. Your review has been myth busted my dude.
  • Ranger3252 » Roidtest is not a real thing except taking your money. It does not prove nor disprove positive or negative results.
  • bwest4904 » top notch never ever had a problem and have used most of everything.
  • [SRC] eighty7 » At home Roid Tests are a gimmick they don't work. Send it off for actual testing and we'll even pay for it. It's real Anavar for sure.
  • 69repmax » I feel like ive wasted enough money, maybe the at home tests are not that good. but the results of my girl taking for a month an seeing/feeling nothing tells me enough. maybe its like that cialis, seriously underdosed? how can I get it tested for actual dosage? I know i can get it tested to tell me that there is the drug in it that is useless to me.
  • Ranger3252 » He’s paying to get your stuff tested. So get it tested on his dime. Not out any money if it’s PAID for. Do it or you’re full of shit.
  • [SRC] eighty7 » Janoshik.com you can mail them a pill and they will tell you what it is. You send it without telling them what it is.
  • [SRC] eighty7 » At home Tests aren't good at all. We have a lot of Testing on Anavar so we know it's good. You say you've been doing this for may years so I'm assuming you did bloodwork? The Cialis is very popular, why do you say it's underdosed?
  • 69repmax » bloodowrk for someone running anavar? lol no did you read my first post? there might be anavar in those pills but its not enough to do anything to a 125lbs woman. Thats why i paid for the roidtest in the first place, and i agree with you the reagent rests are not perfect, but the results on my girl dont lie. She's been on them a month with zero results. ZERO. Im just going to take my losses and move on. thanks though have a good one.
  • [SRC] eighty7 » 1: bloodwork to see what the issue with your girlfriend. 2: I offered to send it for testing at no cost to you so we can see of your claims are true. But you'd rather just go based off feelings and not figure out the problem.