keytech's picture
keytech 43

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 38 Quality 100% 38 Delivery 98.9474% 38 Service 99.4737% 38 Pricing 99.4737% 38
Juice1031's picture
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  • [SRC] keytech » Bro,please spend 2 minutes of your time to edit and complete the review as the rules, thanks
  • Juice1031 » It's not letting me edit now. I was more specific in my answers to the reply questions. Happy to answer anyone else's questions regarding any of the gear I've purchased and used from Onlythebest over the last 2 years. As mentioned in my replies, I've used most of what's offered on their/your site.
  • [PRO] Makwa » You need to at least tell us what you are even using.
  • Juice1031 » I've used a ton of their products, pretty much name it I've tried it from Onlythebest Currently running 900 test cyp, 600 deca and 100/day anadrol
  • [MOD] Greg » READ the review guidelines that pop up when you review. A review is for an order, not a generic review for the source. -YOU MAY WRITE A REVIEW IF: You have received AND used the products, within the last 6 months. When writing a review, include at least the following: How do you feel on this stuff, tired, horny, aggressive, no change? How much weight and/or size did you gain? How is your appetite? Body fat up or down? PIP, Acne? Other changes you've noticed. Review should be your full experience, that includes everything from your first contact, to the gains you're making with the products.
  • Juice1031 » I've used a lot of their gear so it's hard to give the review as you describe the parameters. I've had not bad effect, some mild back and chest acne but I've run a lot of oil so that to be expected. Sex drive has always been high so no changes there. I find the orals increase my appetite more that just the injectables, but when I was just running injectables my appetite went up as well from being natty to gear. Body fat has gone up some, but I was skinny and ripped prior to running gear. This review was more so to state that all the gear from Onlythebest has been good because as stated. I've ran a lot of many of their products will all grate results. Basically, whatever you chose to get from them will be quality with great results, customer service, delivery, etc.
  • [MOD] Greg » "This review was more so to state that all the gear from Onlythebest has been good because as stated." --That is EXACTLY what we DON'T want. Follow our guidelines or don't review at all.
  • wanted » 160-210 whats your secret
  • Juice1031 » 1.5-2 hour workouts 5 days a week doing the bro split. Food food food, and a good steady cycle.
Jay004's picture
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  • [PRO] Makwa » What compound are you reviewing?
Yep80's picture
My overall experience

Fast and discreet shipping. I've used the, Tbol, Test C and E. Also their EQ. All of it has been top notch and done exactly what you would want. The gh helped my skin improve a ton in just a few months. I could not believe how much my skin tightened on my stomach.

Products, effectiveness and results

Everything as it should be

Customer service

Friendly and very helpful.

Shipping and Delivery

Discreet and very fast.

Price to performance
Additional comments

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ company in my opinion.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/03/2024 - 16:51
  • Jay004 » How’s the tbol helped your lifts? Been thinking of buying some next cycle
  • Yep80 » Good. It was a lean, dry gain. Messed with my BP some. Nothing crazy but far more than any injectable I've used.
Jaredlee9709's picture
My overall experience

Experience has been great no issues at all have ordered a few times and will keep coming back due to quick service good prices and clean gear

Products, effectiveness and results

I’ve used the test e, deca, dbol, hgh, cialis, and aromasin and have made good progress and will keep coming back. I tested my deca and came back good

Customer service

Customer service is fast and easy

Shipping and Delivery

Always get my package within 5 business days after payment and they are always good at replying

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • [PRO] Makwa » Can you elaborate on your progress?
  • Jaredlee9709 » Went from 155lbs to 180lbs just on the test e at 600mg/ml for 14 weeks. I’m currently running test, deca, dbol and hgh I’m on week 8 right now and I’m sitting at 190lbs and my strength is at an all time high
Jpharris69's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Got some Test c, hgh blue top, oral anadrol, npp, and eq in mid November, and just ordered more products.(Clenbuterol, Masteron E, Accutane)
Weight was 185lbs - 214.6lbs as of today
Feel amazing
Blood work is perfect but am taking Tudca, liver/organ defender, and lipid support and 10 mg aromasin the night of the day I pin

Products, effectiveness and results

Test c - 450mg/week
Eq - 450 mg/week
Npp - 300mg/week
Hgh 4iu/day
Oral anadrol - 50mg/day
So far this has been the best cycle I’ve ever done and it’s my first time buying from this source.
My trainer highly recommend it and its been 10/10 so far.
I started at about 185lbs after getting out of a coma in mid september. I lost about 30lbs in a coma and had bloodwork done about a month after and everything looked good to go so i decided to get back on and my bulk has been amazing.
At about 213lbs right now and very bulky. I take aromasin 3x/week on the night of the day i pin and i feel perfect. Bloodwork and blood pressure is right on track.
Obviously im not getting very chiseled im holding a healthy amount of fat but my shoulders are wider than they have ever been and lats are huge giving me a great mr incredible look. I also take organ/liver defender and revive lipid support and tudca daily which seems to be overlooked by a lot of people at my gym.
My goal is to keeo bulking, not really worried about my body fat and water retention. The hgh ive been doing for about 3.5 weeks and i alresdy feel great from that. Recovery is amazing. Lifts are amazing. My sleep and joints feel great too. I definitely wont need to do a super heavyduty cut with this hgh because my body fat is already slowly working its way off.
I just received my Clen, Masteron, Accutane and test c the other day and the clen is already making me feel just how it should. Keeping the dose extremely low because with the effectiveness of the gh i dont think ill need to cut that much and i would like to have some rest for the summer if i need it.

Overall so far 10/10
5 stars and highly recommend

Customer service

Customer service seemed amazing they answered right away and helped me through the buying process and gave me reassurance and send tracking

Shipping and Delivery

Packaged perfectly and safe, I live domestically and it came in about a week after the order was placed but it was during a holiday week

Price to performance
Additional comments

Definitely the best bang for your buck. Everything is 20ml vials and are cheaper than most places. They also have proof of third party testing rightyi on their site

Promos are awesome too 10/10

I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/03/2024 - 06:20
Bigdawg84's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I've been rocking with this source since 2021 . They never let me down . Products are top notch . Always make gains .

Products, effectiveness and results

Items ordered were test e, anadrol , deca , npp. All worked great . Anadrol I usually gain about 15 lbs before the deca kicks in . I started off at 270 pre cycle . 295 when I finished . When I'm just cruising on test e, with dirt and training, I stay around 285. Anadrol made me strong af . Before anadrol my max bench was 375 . Week 4 into anadrol it was 455. The deca did a great job keeping everything nice and wet Smile

Customer service

No issues at all
Paid up
Confirmed payment
Goods was at my spot 3-5 days after payment

Shipping and Delivery

Safe and discreet . Tightly wrapped so nothing breaks

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
vrullfromsc's picture
+ 4
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have ordered from only the best 3 times in the past year. I’ve used their goldtope hgh, accutane, cabergoline, aromasin, dbol, anadrol, cialis, and tbol. All products working exactly as expected.. more feedback below.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Goldtrope HGH - this is good stuff. I’ve used hgh from 3 other sources on here, this was the best one so far. Very noticeable effects and side effects for me (quality of sleep, hand tingling, low body fat while bulking). I’ve used between 4-5iu daily.

Orals - all seem dosed properly. The cialis is great.. using 5mg ED and having great pumps in gym/sex with wife.. the aromasin is keeping my estrogen in check perfectly fine at 12.5mg ed (on 600mg test e/week), I use 12.5mg ed on cruise.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Communication very timely and clear. Easy to order using
Bitcoins. What more to say??

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Each time my package has landed 3 business days after payment confirmation. Not sure how much better you could get here..

Price to performance
Additional comments

Price wise. It’s the best, especially with the promo deals. The aromasin and hgh pricing are the best I can fine anywhere and the products are 100% legit.

I recommend shopping here!
Hypnotoad's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Excelent as usual

Products, effectiveness and results

test-e, primo, hcg, goldtrope, semaglutide
test is solid. even on trt levels (175mg/w) getting oily skin and some acne increase and need to run hcg to maintain a respectable load, and no pip unless i miss jab
hcg definately works too keep me from being otherwise shutdown, passes the preg test too
primo seems legit too, good pumps, vascularity and the gains seem decent on my pretty consertive cycles
i get the goldtrope for my brother, he swears its the best hes had
semaglutide, 1st time trying it but it is legit, appitite just doesnt exist when you take it

Customer service

John is always quick to respond to emails, and has taken care of any concerns or issues that have popped up over the years

Shipping and Delivery

shipping is pretty fast usually 3-4 days, packaging is discrete and contents are safe

Price to performance
Additional comments

been dealing with john since 2020, always has been great to deal with.
I especially apprecicate his test reports, his stuff is usually spot on but once i got some cialis that was overdosed, and its good to know before you order. cant say for sure but i suspect he tests every batch

I recommend shopping here!
Swolhut's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Second order from them, great experience both times.

Products, effectiveness and results

Clean gear both times, sent one off to be tested test cyp, came back cleaner than my previous supplier. Low sides from this stuff with more gains, feels cleaner running it as well. Both the mast and test, as well as winny and AIs have all been high quality stuff.

Customer service

Dude emails back fast and gets that youre human if something comes up, also steers you clear of the scam sites.

Shipping and Delivery

Comes in discreet packaging, never had an issue with postal carriers, leasing offices, etc. Last order took 3 days from time of payment, im on the east coast.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
n8whitie's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I’ve been using him for 6 months with zero issues of any kind. I order for myself and a few friends and probably made 6 orders total and have not had one hiccup, mistake or bad product. This guy is the real deal.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Test Cyp- I’m running at 360/wk, 3 friends are running 600/wk. Between 4 people there is Zero pip reported, no sides and the gains are great. Between all of us we started seeing real results between weeks 6 and on.
Primobolan- Running with Test Cyp at 400/wk and this combo has me feeling like I’m in God Mode. I’m on week 16 and have gained 12 lean pounds of muscle, dropped all fat and I barely hit cardio and strength has shot up around 20 to 25%.
Superdrol- I just started at 10mg/day 1.5 weeks ago with a friend and both of us already look bigger and more full. My friend has set 2 new PRs since. I don’t really go for PRs but I’m moving weights around with ease. The pumps can be painful at times though.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service has been great for every one of my orders. I always get my promo items.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

He sends the invoice, I pay and it arrives in 4 to 7 days packaged tightly every single time. I have no worries. When I pay I know I’ll get my order.

Price to performance
Additional comments

The quality is the best available in mine and my friends opinions. The 20ml bottles are amazing and I have no problem with his prices when I know what kind of gear I’m getting. Very reasonable and he’s got a loyal customer, actually 4 loyal customers right here.

I recommend shopping here!
Bclayj44's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

Can’t say anything negative 2 time in a year time placing an order. Great test reasonable prices and great customer service.

Products, effectiveness and results

Test is very strong always increased my libido. Never had any issues with pip. Currently taking 600mg of sust per week. I will post again after my 10th week. So far I’m happy.

Customer service

Usually return’s email within a 24 time period. Never had any order issues. Sent BTC within a week order received.

Shipping and Delivery

Packing and delivery was on time and well wrapped to ship.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Bclayj44's picture
+ 1
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  • [PRO] Makwa » How do you know it is great quality?
Chrisconn5445's picture
+ 1
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Hockeyyyyy59's picture
My overall experience

5 stars
Been getting my orals, test, and HGH from here for a little over a year and has always impressed me. Never had an issue.

Products, effectiveness and results

HGH Glodtrope:
Been using this for about 3 months now 3iu split dose on an empty stomach and has produced great results. My sleep has improved tremendously as well as my stamina in the gym. Put on about 10 pounds of lean muscle and the little bit of fat I had has dropped off. No negative side effects so far.

Test E:
Been working great along side the hgh, it has upped my sex drive a lot and helped me put on lean mass that I was looking for. It draws so well and barely any pip at all. Had no acne as of yet so I’m very impressed.

Customer service

Customers service is the best I’ve seen. Gets back to me after every order placed and the process is simple and fast!

Shipping and Delivery

Packaging is always safe and I have received every shipment within a week of placing my order.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Highly recommend! Unbeatable HGH prices

I recommend shopping here!
Hockeyyyyy59's picture
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