ziabungle's picture
  • 25

+ 7 After surgery


2017 in a hit and run. Pinched nerve in neck, lower back in both sides and going down both arms. Just got diagnosed with fibromyalgia also. 2018 I buckled since I wasn’t getting better. I had surgery and replaced a disc in my neck. The skinny pic of me is July 2018 and the bigger pic is the 1st week of June 2019. Before surgery I started a try dose, 250 mg a week. Long journey but it’s not over, right now I’m 3 weeks into my recomp. I just thank God I’m able to do what I love again.

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4ce's picture

Congratulation on your comeback so far!

ziabungle's picture

Thx brother

dextetherdog's picture

Keep it up man, hard work pays off. + from me for posting current physique picture

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ziabungle's picture

Thank you very much brother.

Livelife76's picture

Keep killing it man all about attitude +2

ziabungle's picture

Thank you very much.