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Overall 0% 0 Quality 0% 0 Delivery 0% 0 Service 0% 0 Pricing 0% 0
Rocky141's picture
My overall experience

Great experience couldn’t recommend their products more. They respond very fast to any questions and are very polite, I will never use another company.

Products, effectiveness and results

2-rad 140
1-test c
1-masteron p
I have seen crazy results and went from benching 315 for 1 to 380 in 2 months. Definitely legit product

Customer service

Great communication. When I first was going to purchase from them I had some questions so I got an email asking when I’m available and got a personal call for any questions I had a reassured me about everything, couldn’t ask for better.

Shipping and Delivery

Ships fast and is well packaged everything came in top quality

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
JBooGz's picture
My overall experience

What My experience with canabolics was honestly perfect, they answered all my questions. I was really happy with how they ensured my package would be shipped out the following day with a tracking number. It arrived 3 days after ordering and I was pretty eager to start getting after it. They even reached out to me a month later to see how I was liking the products.

Products, effectiveness and results

10 boxes Lilly humatrope
4 jugs canapharm test cypionate
3 primo e
1 wintsrol

This is one of the reasons I’m writing this review, the quality is next level. I've been using the humatrope for a while now and I've noticed big changes in my recovery time and muscle growth. I feel more energized and recover faster after intense workouts. I like that it's supporting my body's natural processes without any bad sides. I’ve had my days with stuff like Tren and I just can’t hack it anymore. I’ll use this stuff pretty well year round with no issues.

The test I got has been the most consistent stuff I’ve used across the board. Always effective and blood work comes back with the elevated test and GH.
The primo and winstrol was the icing on the cake. Probably my favourite stack now, the quality was top notch.

Customer service

Best customer service I’ve ever had from ANY company. They went out of their way to take care of me. Reaching out to me a month later asking about how I’m liking my order let me know that they actually really care about what people think about their product.

Shipping and Delivery

Shipping was easy, 3 days after placing my order I received the product

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
rarogin's picture
+ 1
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Neeank1's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

Truly amazed by customer service and promot answers to my queries.


Products, effectiveness and results

I placed an order over the weekend and received it on Wednesday.
Ordered Cardarine, Semaglutide and HCG.
Cardarine is amazing, making me run longer.
Semaglutide suppresses my hunger and lost 1.5kg/week.
Still checking out for HCG.
How do you feel on this stuff, tired, horny, aggressive, no change? Feel full of energy
How much weight and/or size did you gain? Size increased with weight loss
How is your appetite? Almost negligible
Body fat up or down? Down 2% in 2 weeks


Customer service

Impeacable service. Prompt replies.


Shipping and Delivery

Carefully packaged products and timely delivery


Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 04/02/2024 - 19:43
Gpumps's picture
+ 3
My overall experience

From the moment I discovered their website, I was captivated by the vast array of high-quality products tailored to my specific needs. Each purchase I've made has been a testament to their unwavering commitment to sourcing premium ingredients and delivering exceptional customer service. The impact their supplements have had on my overall physique is truly remarkable, and I am grateful for the dedication they show to helping me get ready for my show. They have a user-friendly platform that makes it easy to make informed choices, knowing that I am supported by a team of experts who genuinely care about my journey and SAFETY. every I receive, I am reminded of the trust I have placed in this site to guide me towards my goals. Thank you for all the help you guys are the best!


Products, effectiveness and results

I ordered
2 Equipoise (ANDROGENIX)
3 test cypionate (ANDROGENIX)
2 mk677 (Bio-Prima)

I’ve never felt more horny in my life it was almost unbearable (I’m told EQ does that)
As far as quality it’s been incredible, super smooth. After 2 weeks I felt a huge difference/ improvement in just about everything. I feel amazing, HUGE pumps and putting on quality size.


Customer service

Right after my order was placed, canabolics reached out to me letting me know my package would be shipped the next day and I would be given a tracking number shortly after. That’s exactly what happened.


Shipping and Delivery

3 days after I placed my order it showed up at my place and I was more than happy with the quality of the packaging and attention to detail for ensuring my order wasn’t damaged by taking the necessary precautions to avoid any damage from shipping- boxed, bubble

The product it self looks flawless, more than happy with how everything went!


Price to performance
Additional comments

I will absolutely be using canabolics again, thank you guys for the help and thank you for the discount !


I recommend shopping here!