Sciroxx's picture
Sciroxx 359

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 93.3333% 9 Quality 100% 9 Delivery 95.5556% 9 Service 97.7778% 9 Pricing 93.3333% 9
smiley1782's picture
My overall experience

Put in order and all was well tell they emailed me and said they couldn't provide a tracking number. I was told it should be there withn the week. I ordered on 4/17 now the email dnt exist anymore and I have recieved nothin.

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service

Emails were answered quickly at first now the email dnt exist.

Shipping and Delivery

Last email said within the week and that was more than a week ago

Price to performance
Additional comments
I do not recommend shopping here!
  • [inactive] » Your issue was taken care as it should, and I reported to you. Will appreciate if you may confirm this to the members
omerta2's picture
My overall experience

good company, great service. great prices.

Products, effectiveness and results

Tren E, Test E,Clen,Masteron,HCG EQ,Var

Customer service

Awesome communication, answerd every questions so far very quickly.

Shipping and Delivery

very discreet packaging. very professional

Price to performance
Additional comments

Shipping has taken a little longer then expected. mine was split in 2, and first one arrived within 7 working days. now waiting for 2nd to arrive, and I just placed another order.
I noticed their email has been canceld, anything we should know?

I recommend shopping here!
muchopablo's picture
My overall experience
Average: 3.5 (1 vote)

This was my first order after becoming a member...YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE CHOSEN ONE!

quick reply to emails and messages, but communication was less than desirable.

Ordered 3 vials of Testodex Propionate on March 5, 2013. Donation was picked up next day

my pack was returned to sender, was told in order to fix their error that i should donate an additional $75. Throwing more money after bad.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

ordered 3 vials of Testodex Propionate on March 5, 2013. Donation was picked up next day

Customer service
Average: 3.5 (1 vote)

quick reply, but communication was less than desirable.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 3.5 (1 vote)
Price to performance
Additional comments
I do not recommend shopping here!
  • muchopablo » SUCCESS! Karl came through and reshipped without the extra fee. I'm chalking it up to miscommunication. I'll post up an actual review in a few weeks time.
  • [inactive] » Have explain and solved the issue - awaiting f or your update here bro
CHARVEL's picture
My overall experience

Good customer service, The Sciroxx brand has been upstanding for several years now. I wanted the naps (nothing beats those imo) they were out- so they sent me their brand with extras…its good! There was a shipping delay, but responded to my questions within the day. I also received (error) bounce back emails- I had to login back into site and contact from there. I would Make sure everything is going smoothly first, but they definitely intend to please the customer.

Products, effectiveness and results

dbol- sciroxx methanodex

Customer service


Shipping and Delivery

very good

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
wicked36's picture
My overall experience

I placed quite a large order with Sciroxx around mid March, cost me $500. Only thing is I never got my gear. After a month of waiting I ask the sales rep to tell me what's going on, my email bounced!! So I decide to write directly to customer service on their website, no news from them...
I live in Montreal Canada and it was my 1st time buying gear online. Worse experience ever!!

Unless they can fix this, I've been scammed. Can anyone help???

Products, effectiveness and results

5 x Testodex Enanthate (Testodex Enanthate) = $245.00
shipping location World Wide delivery
1 x Clomidex (Clomidex) = $39.00
shipping location World Wide delivery
3 x Methanodex 10 (Methanodex 10) = $108.00
shipping location World Wide delivery
1 x Oxanodex (Oxanodex) = $79.00
shipping location World Wide delivery
1 x Clenodex (Clenodex) = $29.00

Customer service

Tried contacting sales rep I've been dealing with via email- It bounced back - no answer from Sciroxx customer service either.

Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
I do not recommend shopping here!
trophytaker308's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

im not going to be ordering for awhile my brother died today and im going through alot of things and have to have money to burrie him....just go ahead and send me 30 please asap and we will be square,,,thanks for everything,im really depressed and going through alot of family problems right now...have a good day....all i ask is just to send will be longer now to order since this has happenend in my really sucks...thanks for you coroperation...have nice day.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)


Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)


Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

awsome people to deal with

Price to performance
Additional comments

life long customer for life.

I recommend shopping here!
Scyther's picture
My overall experience

Ordered some Tren ace a few weeks ago and I'm loving it. This is my second time using Tren and I'm seeing much better results with this lab's gear. Crazy vascularity all day and strength has gone up noticeably while eating at maintenance. My only complaint would be that domestic shipping is a bit expensive but I don't mind spending a bit more for quality gear.

Products, effectiveness and results

Tren Ace 100

Customer service

Great communication, I received an email within a few hours.

Shipping and Delivery

Packing was discreet and safely wrapped.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
trophytaker308's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)


Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)


Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)


Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)


Price to performance
Additional comments


I recommend shopping here!
greg valentino's picture
My overall experience

its complete garbage!its a pretty far away from any sort of HGH!l got this product without lables and no secure code.well l start to using this product and the area where l was shutting got sort red and got a slug under the skin.everyone knows that injection of HGH is no painfull.its probably albumen inside instead of HGH.l am gona waist it all now.thanks a million sciroxx !!!!!BEWARE!!!!!!

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service


Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
  • [inactive] » I'm not sure if it's a joke or a Troll.... I explained clearly that from safety issues the kits arrive to the shippers without labels, while the labels are put in place. In order not to delay you the kit was sent unlabeled and you were updated. This is merely a cosmetic issue, and I'm more then surprised that you don't understand this. We're not walmart and there are some logistic and safety concerns behind our operation, anyhow this is the exception, and as you may learn 99% of the order do arrive with the authentic packaging. Regarding the reported pain - read clearly on the info of any pharmacy HGH product that a local sensitivity is reported in some of the patients - the local sensitivity disappear after a couple of days- like you may confirm. I'll be happy to learn about any valid lab test which indicate anything else but highest quality of GH inside this product - and you're more then welcome to refer to few lab test that were conducted by Eroids members on our GH. The Hygetropin is not longer produced. We've just launched the glorious Scitropin !
hugcu's picture
My overall experience

order was very well wrapped and discrete, took 12 working days to receive,a little long for been domestic labels are very professional , respond to emails is quick. I also placed an order for hcg coming from overseas 35 days after and no hcg delivery I contacted them and they are re-shipping no questions asked.

Products, effectiveness and results

testaplex, sustaplex

Customer service

quick response

Shipping and Delivery

12 working days

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Mproblem's picture
My overall experience

Been fed a whole bunch of bullshit since I ordered paid wed never shipped in 24hrs todays mon shit still ain't shipped. Paid for domestic for nothing can't tell me when its getting shipped no tracking no info DONT WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY WITH THESE GUYS

Products, effectiveness and results

Tren ace and test prop

Customer service

Full of stories and excuses

Shipping and Delivery

Full of shit paid wednesday funds picked up friday not even shipped out going into next week. They promote shipped in 24hrs of payment that's a lie. Paid domestic for nothing wouldn't be surprised if they don't send me shit.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Don't waste your time and money better sources on here don't care how good there gear is. You gotta deal with shitty customer service and a bunch of stories when your getting your order.

I do not recommend shopping here!
  • Mproblem » Ok I've been updated and got a tracking number feel a lil relief since this is the first transaction with this source. Thank you for finally updating me no hard feelings.
  • [inactive] » Your money was picked up late Friday, The order was handed for delivery today (Monday) immediately after the weekend, and I'll get your tracking number tomorrow (Tuesday). I've kept you updated along this process and have actually replied to a dozen of your mails per day (at least). Unfortunately we supply high quality steroids and peptides, and not psychiatric medications like you need.
trophytaker308's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

these guys are great,they just sent me 2 free dbols,becuase they didnt send me 2 lables for my sustanon,so it makes it kinda hard to get rid of,so they just sent me 2 free dbols out of the kindas out of there hearts,they are truley a bunch of honest and stand up guys...will be a life long customer 4ever for sure.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

read the post.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

always resoned fast,support is top notch also.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

very disgret packaging and gets in a week or less.

Price to performance
Additional comments

great bunch of guys and always come through evertime,no excepetions,ever...!

I recommend shopping here!
Clydegus's picture
My overall experience

I placed an order a month ago and t/a was within the delivery window. Great service and always responds to emails quickly. I place another order over two weeks ago and haven't received anything yet. I sent an email and they replied within the week. The week has come and gone and still nothing. As far as the gear, it's awesome tren A, test E and anti estrogen. I gained 8 lbs in 3weeks...

Update K came through just as promised...just an issue in warehouse, I'll be a costomer for a long time.

Thanks Karl and sciroxx

Products, effectiveness and results

Tren A, test E, test prop, dbol

Customer service

It had been good up till now. Not responding to PM's I heard they had some warehouse issues but wasn't given a straight answer on shipping.

Shipping and Delivery

First order was right on without a glitch. This time had been slow and no responses.

Price to performance
Additional comments

They should disclose issues and give a time frame for resolving issues.

I recommend shopping here!
Gargoyle's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is a review for my second order from Sciroxx-online which was for anavar, dbol, and test-e.

Bottom line, some of the best gear I have run. All were definitely legit and I was blown away by the test-e. I finished the last 4 weeks of a 16 week cycle with Sciroxx's test-e and noticed a HUGE difference from the brand I ran for the first 12 weeks. I know that stuff was legit but I'm really thinking it is under dosed big time. There is no other explanation.

My wife has been running the anavar with awesome results. She is in the last weeks leading up to her next show and the var has definitely helped her retain size...even as she diets.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Anavar, dbol, and test-e

Customer service
Average: 2 (1 vote)

There was an issue out of Karl's control that delayed my pack big time. Throughout the ordeal I bugged the shit out of him. He answered all of my questions even though we kinda got into it at one point. After taking a breath it was obvious stuff was getting lost in translation so to speak and I manned up and apologized.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 0.5 (1 vote)

Seems like there are some kinks with domestic shipping but you should still expect your pack within 2-3 weeks max, IF there are problems.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Even with the shipping issues we ran into I will continue to buy from K and W. The gear is 100% legit which is the most important thing to me.

I recommend shopping here!
koss007's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Placed a good sized order, but didn't receive everything ordered. Was bummed to see that they missed sending me some stuff I was really looking forward to use and get on for the spring/summer (Oxanodex - var). Directly emailed with them and they assured me I'd get the missing stuff ASAP....still no word back but hoping my stuff is on its way.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)


Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Decent. Just wish they'd respond quicker and provide more info.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)


Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • koss007 » Got the remainder of my order. Thanks guys!
  • [inactive] » Yes bro - I confirm - some items were missing and we've fixed it, we also included a compensation for u. We're always responsible on your order as you'll confirm in few days Pls update keep us updated
joe knox's picture
My overall experience

I have placed 3 orders from these guys and getting ready for the 4th. These guys are awesome as well as the products. I'm on the pentadex 300,anavar,hcg and tamodex til the aromadex gets here probably 2mar. Im 7 wks in on a 15wk cycle and have gained 15lbs of muscle. I will b finishing the cycle with t prop and winny. Great products thanks sciroxx

Products, effectiveness and results

Pentadex 300,oxanodex,hcg,aromadex,tamodex,clomedex

Customer service


Shipping and Delivery

5-8 days

Price to performance
Additional comments

I will only use Sciroxx great products and domestic

I recommend shopping here!
BigJ-roll's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ok I just ended week 7 on hexadex 450 taking 1/2ml EOD.also took 50mg of Dbol for the first 6 weeks! Pumps were insane. Painful
Just added the equipoise gonna run it at 400 a week for 16 weeks so far the hexadex is great the one thing bad I'm growing hair like a ape strength is thru the roof will comeback in 6-7 weeks and update on the EQ! Thanks Karl..........

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Hexadex 450, testE, testC trenE, equipoise,Dbol,nolvadex, clomid, and some testE amps!!

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Karl always answered my emails or pm's promptly.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The T/A was exactly as advertised! 10days packaging was perfect!

Price to performance
Additional comments

I would like to thank Karl for all his help. He told me to run the hexadex 450. He was right!! Thanks again Karl......

I recommend shopping here!
Beaz310's picture
My overall experience

I eceive my order today!I was a little weary and vials do not verify on the official website.a few board member by cleared that up by stating the website is out dated, I hope they are correct!I have heard good things so I hope it meets my expectations,iill be back to review the quality of there products

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service


Shipping and Delivery

everything was discreet on time

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • [inactive] » We apologize for the verification codes issue indeed. The server of crashed a couple of months ago, and some of the codes were lost in this mishap, we're doing our best to restore it. as you may confirm on we're the official shop of Sciroxx so everyone may rest assured about the quality and of course authenticity of the products. There are several official distributors of Sciroxx - whom you may confirm at the "check your supplier" section on the main page of, some of them are highly ranked on Erodis, so always confirm your supplier as there are some sources who've tried to take advantage over Sciroxx's rep and have released some fakes.
trophytaker308's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

i had a mess up on my order,was missing 3 cycles...i now have it in my hand and he got it to me really these are a great bunch of guys and they always make things right when a mistake is these guys.

i want to vote for them but dont know how...they diserve better than they are,should be in the top 10 ,,,4 sure!!!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

got my 2 suss and 1 dbol they didnt include but have it now.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)


Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

nicley and disgret

Price to performance
Additional comments

best guys to do buiness with...period!!!!

I recommend shopping here!
Brc0106's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

just got a lil order not knowing how good or bad the gear is well that was a mistake gear is great just placed another order just hope the usa domestic issue gets straightend out!!! cuZ i already ordered

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

pentadex 300

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

good karl accepted my fr and answered any questions i had

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

5 days us domestic

Price to performance
Additional comments

awesome gear worth every penny

I recommend shopping here!
greg valentino's picture
My overall experience

just recived hygetropin from this site.there is no secure code no lables on vials!so its bad fake!for the price 450?its joke!copy of hygetropin cost like half of it.never ever going to order hyge from this site,not talking about other stuff cause l didn't order anything alse.

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service


Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
I do not recommend shopping here!