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raulyosoy's picture
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Victorgg98's picture
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gunz21's picture
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whoknows_09's picture
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  • [inactive] DeusChem » Thank you for your honest feedback :)
Jjvicgal's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Mi experiencia con Deus es muy buena, en los meses que llevo usando su testosterona Testomed he subido varios kilos de masa magra y bajado mi porcentaje graso .

En todos los ejercicios he subido de pesos ye he hecho analíticas para ver mi estado de salud, de momento todo genial con los productos comprados .he vuelto a pedir de nuevo.

Products, effectiveness and results

La calidad de los productos que he comprado es muy buena, en este pedido compré Cipionato de Testosterona, con el cual llevo dos meses y bajado a un 12 % de grasa corporal más 3 kilos de masa magra muscular, también compré Tamoxifeno el cual me ayuda a controlar los estrógenos

Customer service

El servicio de atención al cliente es rápido, procesan el pedido en no más de un día tras recibir el pago, te confirman cuando reciben el pedido y cuando lo envían y te ayudan en el proceso si tienes cualquier duda

Shipping and Delivery

La entrega desde que realice el pedido no tardo más de diez días desde que realice el pago,.muy rápido y económico.. Te envían código de seguimiento de envío por lo que en todo momento puedes rastrear por donde va el paquete.

El embalaje es muy discreto, viene en una doble caja para mayor discreción y seguridad. Va muy bien protegido para que no sufra daños durante el transporte.

Price to performance
Additional comments

La empresa farmacéutica merece todos mis respetos, soy profesional del sector y puedo garantizar sus calidad y buen servicio

I recommend shopping here!
edited 12/21/2023 - 22:41
  • [inactive] DeusChem » Gracias por compartir tus comentarios :)
JustADane's picture
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Ironaegis's picture
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MCX's picture
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J00000hn's picture
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NattyBoi69's picture
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  • [inactive] DeusChem » Thank you for your feedback!
BigE.'s picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Good, cooperative

Products, effectiveness and results

I‘ve only tried their mk677, I think it‘s legit because my sleep and dreams have become a lot better, when I take in the Morning I get some insomnia, however I don‘t get any increase in Hunger and my Blood Sugar isn‘t elevated. So probably just my body reacting a Bit different from the norm, but ofc potentially indicative of semi potent stuff, although I am only taking 20mgs a day, which you have to take into consideration.

Customer service

Brilliant, don‘t See the Bad reviews, everything went smooth

Shipping and Delivery

Descreet, fast, No troubles

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • [inactive] DeusChem » Thank you for sharing your feedback :)
alexalonsobestia's picture
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jLN85mgs's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

This is the second time I have bought products from their website and honestly I will continue doing so, since it always gives me results.
I know very well that the laboratory analyzes are real, because an acquaintance bothered to analyze the products on his behalf.

With the Masteron I have felt irritable, but I think it may be because I am using too high a dose.

In addition, I had not trained or dieted for months.
I have started using it while maintaining an impeccable training and diet and my body composition is changing.
I am fuller and rounder and losing fat.

I've had a little acne, which is totally normal. I also think that because of the high dose of masteron I'm using (maybe I'll reduce it).
I could say that in the first 4 weeks I already noticed a very drastic change.

100% recommended

Products, effectiveness and results

Testosterone Enanthate
Drostanolone Enanthate

As I already said in my comment, all the products are of quality

Customer service

Luckily, I never had any problems and I didn't need to contact them.

Shipping and Delivery

In my case the delivery was fast, I received it in 8 days.
I was used to waiting up to 15 - 20 days when I have bought from other sites.

The packaging is excellent.

Price to performance
Additional comments

It has become my first choice without a doubt and I hope to continue shopping here for a long time.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 11/03/2023 - 06:04
  • [inactive] DeusChem » Thank you for your feedback - we really appreciate it!
Potlood7's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I know DeusMedical for a long time I was just looking for the best seller and I know I am at the right one. the whole website is just very good designed you just know what to press and what to order.

Products, effectiveness and results

I was using sarms for a long time and they always have great quality it always delivers you can feel the difference between deuschem and other suppliers.

I just ordered test e 250 from them and I am just 2 weeks in and I can tell you I feel very motivated and my libido had gone up I just feel very good overall. I am eating and main calories and I can tell you my strength has gone up and my overall cardiovascular health is just better at the gym. And I am just cruising at 250 per week now. I will always stick to DeusChem. Big W --

Customer service

I love DeusChem they have great customer service and very good reply time.

Within 24 hours always a reply!

Shipping and Delivery

Deuschem has very fast shipping I live in Europe in the Netherlands and it came in 5 working days witch is something I am not used to. It was very fast in my experience and very discreet.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I really recommend to try DeusChem

I recommend shopping here!
  • [inactive] DeusChem » Thank you for your feedback and also thank you for sharing your experience!
Taly's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Me gusto el formato de la página, para hacer los pedidos muy fácil y conveniente.

Products, effectiveness and results

La calidad es excelente y de muy buena reputación.
Son elaborados por profesionales.

Customer service

Servicio al cliente rápido y eficaz

Shipping and Delivery

Muy discreto muy buen empaque. El envío rápido y entregado directamente.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Seguiré adquiriendo y utilizando sus productos de mucha calidad le doy un 10 de 10

I recommend shopping here!