Xrated's picture
  • 436

+ 12 Test only cycle


This is my last week of my test only cycle w a dbol kicker.
My mains goals were to. Add size to my legs and back. Before I cut. I am very happy w my results and effort I put in. BC I've been working 80hrs a week and still managed to train like a mad man. I wanted to up load this photo so I can compare when I run my cutter n February or so. I love this website and all the great people that r apart of it. Thank you 56 for the great gear!

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sic26's picture

Nice legs lol +1

Owes a Review × 1
guitarplayer1's picture

Solid size on those quads +1 brother!

Owes a Review × 1
Missinglov79's picture


Xrated's picture

Thx big guy

humpnpump's picture

Looks like you hit the jackpot on a test only cycle now that's how it's done. + 1

Xrated's picture

Thx hump...test is KING !

MASSIVE48's picture

Great wheels bro!

Xrated's picture

Thanks man

MAC's picture

Beastly legs bro! +1

Xrated's picture

Thank u sir

Mzzthetikz's picture

Awsome wheels bro!

Xrated's picture

Thank you.

bigJOHNstud's picture

the legs are bad ass!!

Xrated's picture

Thx bjs. I've been working hard on them.

Hawkdc's picture

Great legs (no homo)! I've been working on getting mine a little more cut up in hopes that they eventually look like yours!

Xrated's picture

Lots and lots. Of sweat and tears bro. Keep push n u will get there. Thx