SeeOhShow's picture
  • 776

+ 14 GK 20% Off TD!


Ordered Thursday early AM the second he opened. Showed up Monday. Just got home to open it and add all the goodies to my stash.

Hey GK in order to qualify for the free gear does the golden banana have to go all the way in my anus? Or just the tip? I can provide pic evidence of that as well…I did both just in case.

My partner to share this banana with is gonna be @JakeKO for two reasons.
1st: I don’t know if you remember our first interaction on eroids when I was a dumbass noob ordering from exit strategy Tom. But we traded some unsavory barbs back and forth on my posts about him. This is my amends for shitty things I said.
2nd: You’ve never ordered from GK is my understanding. What better way to fold you in the loop than with $500 worth of free amazing gear.

Ordered from: 
Big Tone36's picture

Nice dildo

Sackbird's picture

Siiiiiiiiick brother.

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Gettinit's picture

Nic fuxxkin grab bro just placed me an order!!!

TheIcon's picture

Which tip went in tells alot about the person. just saying Smile Love the case. I just got a small case for my stash.

Brolly6898's picture

He got the whole banana inn

press1's picture

That's Expert level.

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Brolly6898's picture


23Sparta's picture

Those tren vials are going to start talking to you

SeeOhShow's picture

Eh maybe. Most likely not and I’ll end up gifting them to a friend. I have an obsession with DHB that’ll be hard to break.

Banjokid2020's picture

Have you ever had any wonky blood work while/after running dhb? I've researched the forums alot and seems alot of guys seem to really like dhb. Watched Vigorous Steve's video he just dropped on it and he doesn't seem like a fan, although he admits to never running it. But obviously to each their own.

DeeMan's picture

Yea Dhb is naturally an abrasive hormone. It's always been that way since it was sold legally and even on grey market. Now brewing does help a bit but it naturally has pip. I've been familiar with it since it came to be sold long ago. Yes supposedly it is somewhat liver toxic and supposedly it thickens the heart a bit more than most steroids. The pip was an issue for me.

SeeOhShow's picture

No issues on bloodwork but it was bad on my blood pressure. So now I have telmisartan on hand at all times to run it.

Chad P's picture

You got a friend in me brother lol!

23Sparta's picture

Either way, you have the self control and discipline to use it wisely, if you so choose. There is a reason why they call it the nectar of the gods you know.

SeeOhShow's picture

Oh yea if I do use it, it would be something like 100-150 mg/wk on ED dosing. Nothing crazy

wanted's picture

I was thinking .25 cc everyday on top of current cycle

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SeeOhShow's picture

My thinking exactly if I’m gonna run it. Except more like .20 cc ED…With some additional test C and mast E in the barrel on MWF. To bump up the test and mast but keep the tren part in that 150 or less range. We will see. I’m likely a year away from doing another legit cut, so that would be when it would be used if it’s gonna get used.

23Sparta's picture

Exactly the dosages where the compound shines best

Diesel22's picture

Congrats!!! Nice score

TrenAThor's picture

Congrats on the golden banana! That's definitely a nice win and come up from GK. I've had his stuff in the past and loved it all, especially the tren. Enjoy it and the win. Also you prob just try the tip first and go from there lol

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Mac12769's picture

Nice haul and congrats on the WIN. My pack is still inbound, so fingers crossed. Lol

V0411's picture

Lucky, congratz

DeeMan's picture

Lol he did win and basically he's saying you did too! @JakeKO this is what an argument gets ya. I Guess thank Tom too lol

wanted's picture

You can repay the favor by buying me a diner at that shrimp box. When your all swolled up beach season Cause i might of been his next choice lol we will never know

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DeeMan's picture

So basically you have $500 worth of gear huh? Good for you man. However I gotta say this..
In the words of the infamous Vinny Luciano..."aye you either give me 500$ or catch 500, the choice is yours. Make the right one would ya??" @JakeKO.. those are words from Vinny!

wanted's picture

@DeeMan. We still have hope

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DeeMan's picture

You're the newest GK prospect so you're the hope that he's been waiting on.

SeeOhShow's picture

I did win. Check the giant gold banana. We’re getting $500 each my man

press1's picture

Nice one Guy's - Well deserved to the both of you! Good

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press1's picture

I would pick: DBol Inject, MENT Ace 100, NPP, T Prop, DBol Oral Susp, Test E.

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press1's picture

He does seem to have good genetics - But I think A LOT of it is down to his extremely intense and consistent training regime week in week out. I'm sure he trains twice a day am/pm which takes some extreme determination and obsessional drive to do. I couldn't do it 6 days a week or whatever it is. Think he works very hard for all that you see in his pictures.

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SeeOhShow's picture

Yup 6 days are AM/PM cardio/lifting. Day 7 is pickup basketball. But I’m blessed to have a job that affords me the flexibility and time to dedicate to my obsessive workout regime. I can cook my meals each day every time I need to eat, train when I feel ready, etc. It is an unrealistic situation for most. The folks that amaze me are the ones who bust their ass working their ass off all day 10-12 hours a day and still go bust their ass in the gym. Those are the ones to truly admire. My life is easy/privileged and I’m self aware enough to know it. But I sacrificed and suffered hard early on in my career to be where I am now.

press1's picture

Honestly I don't know how some of them do it either, especially the guys who work in construction beating down breeze blocks all day or building houses & carrying materials around. How on earth do you do that on your feet all day then go and lift in the gym???!! Especially in the American heat during the summer Shok I once did a work placement during my high school years where I was stood up in a factory from 9 till 4pm constantly and that absolutely killed me and my lower back!!! LMAO I like just being sat down at a desk with a computer, that suits me fine LOL

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wanted's picture


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DeeMan's picture

No F- the low dose primo Haters!

wanted's picture

Ouch !!!! If i had your genetics i would even need primo hahaha Then again i dont need primo either

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DeeMan's picture

If I had your genetics...and WOMEN Lol!

Gorillakingz's picture

I need the primo

Therealist2018's picture

Good shit bro!!! Congrats

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23Sparta's picture


Banjokid2020's picture

That banana looks slippery as hell.. astroglide?

SeeOhShow's picture

No lube. It’s the GK way.

Claudezilla's picture

Nice and congrats on the win

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Chad P's picture

Damn bro loaded up!! Can’t wait to see how you respond to the Cutter!! Hahahahahaha…well deserved @JakeKO