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“Dan the Bodybuilder in Thailand” and IASuperPharma Gear


Solid24's picture

I just tried using iasuperpharma for the first time, pinning some test cyp into my shoulder. I couldn't move my shoulder for a week. It was highly inflamed and swollen.

Willy_D's picture

What concentration was it? I’ve spent a lot of time researching this company and it doesn’t seem possible for them to still be making bad gear. The effort they’ve put into the website and some other aspects of their operation takes more effort than mixing BB BA oil and powder. It baffles me, but apparently some ppl are injecting high concentrations which are meant to be diluted first. The high BB in high concentrated oil could definitely cause this pain.

Solid24's picture

The concentration was 250mg/mL. The oil did have more of a yellow tint than most others I've used. I have never heard of a product needing to be diluted. If I can pull it through an insulin syringe like i did, then it should of been thin enough. I'm not sure what BB or BA oil is!

Willy_D's picture

And to be clear I’m not saying you’ve done anything wrong. I’m just trying to figure out what the deal is with this vendor cause I want to buy from them but don’t trust them yet lol

press1's picture

Why not just buy some Good quality gear from a trusted lab with many good reviews - & that also hasn't nearly killed someone?

Willy_D's picture

I do lol but this lab is intriguing and I like to try gear from many different places. Sifting through all the info online tells me every problem I’ve read is from ppl injecting the highly concentrated solutions not realizing they’re meant to be mixed. If you get a lump of BB & Oil that won’t dissolve then yes it can get infected. That doesn’t mean the lab has issues with quality control though, so I’d like to know what is really happening.